Weird things are happening for me in the 0.36 update: if I try to sleep at the inn it loads the map: both if I do it via the innkeeper and in my own room. Also, when I try to start a battle in the forest it just shows an empty screen. Maybe other things are wrong too, this is what I tested so far: See this vid for an example (the fact that the music sounds weird is because of the recording software)
I play with Knightly_passions.exe, so that's 64 I believe. The problems occur when I'm loading from a 0.35 save btw. I saw a comment from you that that gives issues atm, so it's probably because of that.
Thank you Feyada, you've made an adult game that's actually fun and has good mechanics, not just naughty pics/animation. I love it when there's a game with this combination.
I have a question though: I paid $5 when the game was on sale but don't have early access... do I need to pay another $5 to total the $10 amount? Or do I have to pay another $10 in addition to my previous $5?
If you pay another 5$ - unfortunately it works in such a way that it will not understand that you paid 5$ extra. Tomorrow the game will be available for players who bought the game for $5. Just wait until early access ends.
You just have to wait, wait time from release is 1-2weeks for it to come out from early access or you can pay again but no need if you bought it you just need to wait.
First time player here, just finished the current main story and all currently available sidequests. Love the art, love the stories. That's all fantastic. Can't wait for more.
I do have some nitpicks though. Mainly having to do with specific combat encounters. I don't like that goblins will gain the flee status on the player's turn. That coupled with their ability to dodge means that you have to be very particular about how much damage they take, stack up all your attacks, and it's still a crapshoot whether you can finish them off in time. I found that frustrating. I also think the golem fight is massively over-tuned. It has the ability to permanently lock down, in my experience, half of your card slots, stop you from attacking or defending for 2 turns in a row, and at low health heal for 100 hp while also gaining a temp 100 shield. It took me 4 or 5 tries (maybe more), the win felt incredibly luck dependent and unearned, and it was thoroughly unenjoyable to fight.
Aside from that I see someone already brought up the bug with intimidation, so I've got no other issues that bothered me. Here's to more stories and continued refinement o7.
I encountered a game breaking bug in the android version of the latest build where the nuns and the abbot disappear during the day, making it impossible to progress with the main quest.
Is there a way to send you a save file or something to help you find the problem?
Yes, you need to uninstall the old version and install the new one. This will delete your progress, BUT start a New Game+ mode where you can skip almost all the quests you've completed before.
I have the issue that when I fight battles against a single enemy some of the animations are really slow. When you hit an enemy or you get hit the character moves back and forth a little bit. That animation is extremely slow. Fighting against multiple enemies it doesn't occur, but as soon as there is only 1 left, it is slow. This makes the combat annoying, which is sad because there has been a pretty nice overhaul.
Also for quest number 27 I need to get a bear bone. However bears don't seem to drop anything: I've fought over 20 battles with a bear and I've gotten no loot from them yet. The carnivorous plant sap I needed for this quest I got on the first try.
This is a video of the slow animation: link. As soon as you or the enemy gets attacked the knockback animation is really slow. Other things like playing defense cards are not slow. When you fight multiple enemies this problem is not occurring, but as soon as there is only 1 enemy left the problem starts.
Amazing game so far, I just subscribed to the patreon! Quick question: is there more h content coming for the witch? She is one of my favorite characters but doesnt have many scenes yet. Also, will there be more fetish-oriented content (i.e. the tentacle scene with the witch)?
Hi, great game, love it, actually. Have a question tho: do we have a guide for quests? Like I can't even find new quests, and quest #16 is kinda buggy I suppose (I can't find Mirina at the market). Dear community manager, help me pls :(
Привет, игра супер, но у меня вопрос и замечание. Во-первых, замечание: у вас везде в игре написано "врятли", хотя должно быть "вряд ли". Но самое главное это вопрос: квест №16 "Торговый мир", я уже отдал Мирине сертификат на торговлю, и квест сейчас говорит мне найди её и узнай, как у нее дела. Так вот, её нигде нет: утром она в церкви, но там нельзя никак взаимодействовать ни с кем, днем её там нет, но и на рынке нет и вообще нигде нет. Как продвинуться по квесту дальше?
How long is the wait time for buying it on a sale? I know that I have to wait a certain amount of time before getting access to it since I bought it on a sale but thought it was only a week.
question about new skill point system, the intimidation skill terror of the district is 5/5, but a lot of intimidation encounters require 7 or even 12, and when I select the intimidation option it always says the level is too low even though its 5/5
This comes up ever release. The sale price was too good to pass up, but the result is that itch doesn't recognize folks who purchased the game on sale as having purchase the full value release.
This is the only distribution platform that I've ever encountered this behavior. It might be worth including a notice about this issue in your release notification so folks are not confused and/or angry with you (who are not responsible for the shop failure) to have to deal with each time the game receives and update.
That being said, can you let us all know when those of us with a discounted full license will be able to access the update? I for one really like the changes and direction you have been taking this game.
The Home Sweet Home quest seems to break if you went the slow path. When giving chickens and eggs, it won't proceed the quest further, even if you go past 20 days. The faster path that is 2500 Gold works though.
Fighting goblin type enemies is a pain in the ass, even with the most offensive stats maxed out. It has a chance to dodge and it will run away when at low health, meaning no loot when fought. Thankfully, health resets each battle (if not a bug).
Hi i've been having issue running the game apk. when i open the application the game starts up but it ten closes on its own soon after. I've tried deleting any earlier versions of the game that i had and it still hasn't fixed my problem. Can you maybe help me???
You may be running out of memory on your device. Free it up so that a few gigabytes are available. This applies to both the memory on the phone itself and the RAM.
would this also apply to laptops? because I got the game on an acer Chromebook. The weird thing is the DLC games work but whenever i try playing the main game it just doesn't stay open. Would me being on a laptop change anything? also i have plenty of storage on the laptop so idk if that would be the problem in this case.
Not really sure why I have to wait to access something I already paid for. Those who paid for the game, regardless of how much, should be able to access what they bought and paid for, as soon as it's available. It's bad business to do otherwise. It's like paying for a meal, it being ready and the cooks telling you that you can't have your food for another few hours. I paid for it, I should get my purchase as soon as it's available, regardless if I paid 5, 10, or 25 bucks for something.
You bought the game (version 0.26), and you received it at the time of purchase (Just like in a restaurant - you ordered food, they brought it to you right away). You don't have to wait to play version 0.26. But if you want to play the latest version (0.35) right now, the game is worth buying for $10. Or pay $5, be patient and wait.
Which would be alright if it were the full game. But since it isn't the full game, it's like paying for a full meal and only getting half of your mean and the cook telling you that the rest of your meal Is ready and even though you've already paid for it, you still need to wait for it.
I already paid for my full meal, why are you serving me an incomplete meal and why are you forcing me to wait for the rest of my meal?
Again, you paid for the 0.26 version and you got it in full. You asked for lunch - you received it immediately at the time of purchase.
Version 0.35 (let's call it dinner) is now in early access. It is available to those who paid the full price, without a discount. You will get version 0.35 but later (you just have to wait for dinner).
If you have already bought once, you do not need to pay again. Just wait until the game becomes available to you. If you spent $10, then it will be available to you right now. If less, it will be available later. We have early access.
how do i use the new skill system? when i click on the arrow it says i have x skill points but when i click on the images, nothing happens. Am i doing it wrong or is it bugged?
Okay, figured out it's probably because I bought it at a sale for 5 bucks. Can I add more money to what I already paid or do I have to buy it for the full price again to get future updates?
If you have already bought once, you do not need to pay again. Just wait until the game becomes available to you. If you spent $10, then it will be available to you right now. If less, it will be available later. We have early access.
I downloaded the new version and i cant load my saved data from the previous game so now i have to start over is that supposed to happen because i put alot of time into it already
Sadly, you can't port your saves into the newer versions. But~ that's what the feature "New Game+" is for! Just choose the quests you have already completed, the skill points and rewards you accumulate from said quests.
I purchased the game several months ago and it says I should have acces to the latest version but I don't have access to latest file on the download page. Do I have to pay again?
I would check the download link for your previous purchase and see how much you paid at that time, what I've noticed is you only get access to downloads that cost what you paid before or less... so if you bought a version on sale for $5 (like I did) you will not be able to download this new version that currently costs $10, until a time it also costs what you paid before.
I did buy it on sale for the $5 price. So does that mean I can buy the new version for $5 to make it the full price of the new version or do I have to spend the full $10?
it doesn't add together... it just looks at what the highest amount you paid at once and compares that to the prices of the available downloads. I don't know if folks set sales and prices intentionally to manipulate this behavior, but it does make buying something on sale that isn't finished a bit unappealing since it likely means you'll have to buy an updated version later if it isn't ALSO on sale.
Thank you for the reply. I'm glad to know about the early access. I had no idea. I appreciate you letting me know. It's a great game btw and I really enjoy it
I want to pay for this game, but right now I can't. When I try to download/purchase the game, it only offers the use of Paypal and not direct card usage. If this is intentional, than I understand, but if it isn't I wanted to let you know.
I just stumbled into the hammer at the arms dealer's house. This storyline seems very familiar to events that could happen in Dwarf Fortress. I was curious, is that where that is from?
I actually got this game a while ago, and the updates do not allow save transfers, and it got a bit tedious having to redo all progress. This new version seems to have similar inclinations. I paid for it, but that was a while ago, and before this sale. So before I even think about playing again, is the current version going to have its saves wiped out be new content?
Certainly! But you are forgetting a feature that we added a long time ago. You can skip old quests that you completed before and go straight to the new content. Start NEW GAME+ mode and skip what you need.
All righty then! I liked the game, but I went through the updates and had to start over. Usually, when I play a game with updates, I go straight to the load screen when I play games I am waiting for updates from, and all I was seeing was the "safe files from old versions of the game are not supported," warnings. I was up to quest 22 and that just deflated me enough not to do any research, especially when there are so many updates. I just opened a new game and saw what you mean. Now I have a few questions:
How many total quests do you expect past Quest 31 to be included in this cost?
Will this purchase include updates to match the Steam release?
If no to question 2, will there be a discount for people who pay for 0.35?
Also, I bought this before, and my purchase price obviously did not cover new updates past .016. Any discounts for previous purchases?
1. We plan to have about 35 quests in the 1st episode. 2. Yes! We will update the game on all platforms. 3-4. Certainly! There will be discounts. Be patient - now it's in early access and the game is available for $10. But soon it will be available for $5.
I've owned this game for a while now, but have yet to write a comment for it. Until now, lol, since the new update is coming.
This game has it all, from the amazing artstyle, with the amazing storyline and animation, etc. But, one thing I never expected from this game is the extremely-well written characters along with their dialogues.
The main character actually has a personality, instead of the boring other main characters (Lawful Good). The conversations HIT and TWIST and BOP, and because of the astonishing writing, I never dared to skip any part, heck, I would even roll back in case I fast forwarded by accident. An awesome feat, given that I often find myself wanting to jump to the 18+ stuff as soon as possible in other adult games.
Well worth the price. I might even see it as a STEAL. Though, I just wish the DLCs were just a bit longer.
PS: English is my 2nd language so excuse my grammar mistakes if I make them.
so will the game past 0.10c ever become free or is it like a demo and we won't ever get more than that without paying just wondering because that seems like what it might be but its not labeled as one
yes we know. the question was about if we would ever get a free update past that or if you're gonna keep bullying people who swore they'd never spend money on porn.
I don't think you can call it bullying that they want money for something that they've spent this much effort on I'm pretty sure that's a reasonable ask I just wanted to know if that's what was going on
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Weird things are happening for me in the 0.36 update: if I try to sleep at the inn it loads the map: both if I do it via the innkeeper and in my own room. Also, when I try to start a battle in the forest it just shows an empty screen. Maybe other things are wrong too, this is what I tested so far: See this vid for an example (the fact that the music sounds weird is because of the recording software)
What version are you playing? 32 bit or 64?
I play with Knightly_passions.exe, so that's 64 I believe. The problems occur when I'm loading from a 0.35 save btw. I saw a comment from you that that gives issues atm, so it's probably because of that.
Yes. Old saves should not be loaded. We redesigned navigation in 0.36 (there was an old one in 0.35). Therefore, problems arise.
Мне не жалко купить версию 0.36 но это исправление багов игры за которые мы должны заплатить ?
Да, это исправление багов. Если вы купили игру 1 раз, вам не зачем платить дважды.
Press and hold.
Thank you Feyada, you've made an adult game that's actually fun and has good mechanics, not just naughty pics/animation. I love it when there's a game with this combination.
I have a question though: I paid $5 when the game was on sale but don't have early access... do I need to pay another $5 to total the $10 amount? Or do I have to pay another $10 in addition to my previous $5?
If you pay another 5$ - unfortunately it works in such a way that it will not understand that you paid 5$ extra. Tomorrow the game will be available for players who bought the game for $5. Just wait until early access ends.
как начать квест 16?мне нужно узнать где ее умения будут полезные
How do I download the latest version? Do I need to buy again?
I don't really mind too much, just wondering.
You just have to wait, wait time from release is 1-2weeks for it to come out from early access or you can pay again but no need if you bought it you just need to wait.
First time player here, just finished the current main story and all currently available sidequests. Love the art, love the stories. That's all fantastic. Can't wait for more.
I do have some nitpicks though. Mainly having to do with specific combat encounters. I don't like that goblins will gain the flee status on the player's turn. That coupled with their ability to dodge means that you have to be very particular about how much damage they take, stack up all your attacks, and it's still a crapshoot whether you can finish them off in time. I found that frustrating. I also think the golem fight is massively over-tuned. It has the ability to permanently lock down, in my experience, half of your card slots, stop you from attacking or defending for 2 turns in a row, and at low health heal for 100 hp while also gaining a temp 100 shield. It took me 4 or 5 tries (maybe more), the win felt incredibly luck dependent and unearned, and it was thoroughly unenjoyable to fight.
Aside from that I see someone already brought up the bug with intimidation, so I've got no other issues that bothered me. Here's to more stories and continued refinement o7.
Hello! Thanks for your feedback. We will fix these shortcomings in the next update.
Hi there.
I encountered a game breaking bug in the android version of the latest build where the nuns and the abbot disappear during the day, making it impossible to progress with the main quest.
Is there a way to send you a save file or something to help you find the problem?
What version are you playing?
I was playing the 0.35 version.
I could try to send you my safefile as soon as I figured out how to find it on android.
how do get the newest update do have to just delete the old version and download the new version? (Will it delete my progress?)
Yes, you need to uninstall the old version and install the new one. This will delete your progress, BUT start a New Game+ mode where you can skip almost all the quests you've completed before.
I have the issue that when I fight battles against a single enemy some of the animations are really slow. When you hit an enemy or you get hit the character moves back and forth a little bit. That animation is extremely slow. Fighting against multiple enemies it doesn't occur, but as soon as there is only 1 left, it is slow. This makes the combat annoying, which is sad because there has been a pretty nice overhaul.
Also for quest number 27 I need to get a bear bone. However bears don't seem to drop anything: I've fought over 20 battles with a bear and I've gotten no loot from them yet. The carnivorous plant sap I needed for this quest I got on the first try.
Thank you! We will fix the drop of loot.
Send a video - what exactly happens to the enemies.
This is a video of the slow animation: link. As soon as you or the enemy gets attacked the knockback animation is really slow. Other things like playing defense cards are not slow. When you fight multiple enemies this problem is not occurring, but as soon as there is only 1 enemy left the problem starts.
Thanks, we'll look into it.
I have this same issue too, just downloaded the new update and was fighting a single boar and it was very slow/lagged a lot.
small fix for me at least take the game out of full screen and it looks a little faster but it still wiggles the sprites
Amazing game so far, I just subscribed to the patreon! Quick question: is there more h content coming for the witch? She is one of my favorite characters but doesnt have many scenes yet. Also, will there be more fetish-oriented content (i.e. the tentacle scene with the witch)?
P.S. who is the artist for this game?
Hello, there will be more scenes in the future.
Artist: Lodi
Yeah, I definitely like her both as a character and also she's really hot and I need her lol.
Hi, great game, love it, actually. Have a question tho: do we have a guide for quests? Like I can't even find new quests, and quest #16 is kinda buggy I suppose (I can't find Mirina at the market). Dear community manager, help me pls :(
There is no quest guide. You will not find Mirina on the market either. Read the quest log, there is always a hint there.
Привет, игра супер, но у меня вопрос и замечание. Во-первых, замечание: у вас везде в игре написано "врятли", хотя должно быть "вряд ли". Но самое главное это вопрос: квест №16 "Торговый мир", я уже отдал Мирине сертификат на торговлю, и квест сейчас говорит мне найди её и узнай, как у нее дела. Так вот, её нигде нет: утром она в церкви, но там нельзя никак взаимодействовать ни с кем, днем её там нет, но и на рынке нет и вообще нигде нет. Как продвинуться по квесту дальше?
Все верно, она не должна быть ни на рынке, ни в церкви. Ищите ее в поле днем.
How long is the wait time for buying it on a sale? I know that I have to wait a certain amount of time before getting access to it since I bought it on a sale but thought it was only a week.
Here is all the information:
1-2 weeks.
"There is now early access for everyone who bought the game for $10. Early Access ends in 1-2 weeks and the game will be available for $5."
Stamina isn't increasing over 10 in combat, including when using the meditation card. v 0.35
-edit - in boss fights where the old combat system appears to still be active, increased stamina does work
I am a bit confused. I bought the 0.35 version on sale for 10 USD, but I only have access to 0.26?
EDIT: Realised I can download it from purchase email, but not itch itself
just wanted to say that this game is great and I cant wait for full release
Thank you!
question about new skill point system, the intimidation skill terror of the district is 5/5, but a lot of intimidation encounters require 7 or even 12, and when I select the intimidation option it always says the level is too low even though its 5/5
This is bug. We'll fix this in future updates.
Vai ter tradução em português futuramente???
Se conseguirmos alguém que traduza o jogo para o português, sim.
You don't have to pay again. Passing early access. It will end soon and the latest version of the game will be available to you.
This comes up ever release. The sale price was too good to pass up, but the result is that itch doesn't recognize folks who purchased the game on sale as having purchase the full value release.
This is the only distribution platform that I've ever encountered this behavior. It might be worth including a notice about this issue in your release notification so folks are not confused and/or angry with you (who are not responsible for the shop failure) to have to deal with each time the game receives and update.
That being said, can you let us all know when those of us with a discounted full license will be able to access the update? I for one really like the changes and direction you have been taking this game.
Within 7-10 days there will be an update 0.36 (correction of errors in 0.35). It will be for $5 players.
The Home Sweet Home quest seems to break if you went the slow path. When giving chickens and eggs, it won't proceed the quest further, even if you go past 20 days. The faster path that is 2500 Gold works though.
Fighting goblin type enemies is a pain in the ass, even with the most offensive stats maxed out. It has a chance to dodge and it will run away when at low health, meaning no loot when fought. Thankfully, health resets each battle (if not a bug).
Thank you! We'll fix it.
Hi i've been having issue running the game apk. when i open the application the game starts up but it ten closes on its own soon after. I've tried deleting any earlier versions of the game that i had and it still hasn't fixed my problem. Can you maybe help me???
I think the problem may be with your device. I myself test release versions on PC and Android - everything works stably.
oh ok. do you have any suggestion for what i can maybe do to fix my problem
You may be running out of memory on your device. Free it up so that a few gigabytes are available. This applies to both the memory on the phone itself and the RAM.
would this also apply to laptops? because I got the game on an acer Chromebook. The weird thing is the DLC games work but whenever i try playing the main game it just doesn't stay open. Would me being on a laptop change anything? also i have plenty of storage on the laptop so idk if that would be the problem in this case.
Not really sure why I have to wait to access something I already paid for. Those who paid for the game, regardless of how much, should be able to access what they bought and paid for, as soon as it's available. It's bad business to do otherwise. It's like paying for a meal, it being ready and the cooks telling you that you can't have your food for another few hours. I paid for it, I should get my purchase as soon as it's available, regardless if I paid 5, 10, or 25 bucks for something.
You bought the game (version 0.26), and you received it at the time of purchase (Just like in a restaurant - you ordered food, they brought it to you right away). You don't have to wait to play version 0.26. But if you want to play the latest version (0.35) right now, the game is worth buying for $10. Or pay $5, be patient and wait.
Which would be alright if it were the full game. But since it isn't the full game, it's like paying for a full meal and only getting half of your mean and the cook telling you that the rest of your meal Is ready and even though you've already paid for it, you still need to wait for it.
I already paid for my full meal, why are you serving me an incomplete meal and why are you forcing me to wait for the rest of my meal?
Again, you paid for the 0.26 version and you got it in full. You asked for lunch - you received it immediately at the time of purchase.
Version 0.35 (let's call it dinner) is now in early access. It is available to those who paid the full price, without a discount. You will get version 0.35 but later (you just have to wait for dinner).
Can someone tell me how to download this on pc
Download the archive and unzip it. There is an .exe file in the folder, run it and enjoy.
I bought it once already. I refuse to pay for it again. I can't afford to do that
If you have already bought once, you do not need to pay again. Just wait until the game becomes available to you. If you spent $10, then it will be available to you right now. If less, it will be available later. We have early access.
how do i use the new skill system? when i click on the arrow it says i have x skill points but when i click on the images, nothing happens. Am i doing it wrong or is it bugged?
You click on the skill you want to upgrade for about two seconds, keeping the mouse button down the whole time.
You have to pay a full $10 for the new content, you cant pay $5 twice unfortunately. Stupid system but thats how it is.
Agree. It annoys me a little myself.
I have already bought the game last year, but the 0.35 update does not show on my download page,
Only 0.26 shows up as latest version to download. Why that?
Do have to buy it again to get the new update?
Okay, figured out it's probably because I bought it at a sale for 5 bucks. Can I add more money to what I already paid or do I have to buy it for the full price again to get future updates?
If you have already bought once, you do not need to pay again. Just wait until the game becomes available to you. If you spent $10, then it will be available to you right now. If less, it will be available later. We have early access.
Hello do i have acces to cheat codes if i bought game on itch io?
I downloaded the new version and i cant load my saved data from the previous game so now i have to start over is that supposed to happen because i put alot of time into it already
Sadly, you can't port your saves into the newer versions. But~ that's what the feature "New Game+" is for! Just choose the quests you have already completed, the skill points and rewards you accumulate from said quests.
I purchased the game several months ago and it says I should have acces to the latest version but I don't have access to latest file on the download page. Do I have to pay again?
Same here. Got an email saying that I should have access to 0.35, but the only dl links I see when I go to the dl page are for 0.26.
Same here, bought the game twice but again can't access the newest version
Yeah I'm getting the same thing too, hopefully they come out with a message or something soon because I don't want to pay for it again lol
Ditto here
me as well
I'm experiencing the same issue as @sirpantero...
I would check the download link for your previous purchase and see how much you paid at that time, what I've noticed is you only get access to downloads that cost what you paid before or less... so if you bought a version on sale for $5 (like I did) you will not be able to download this new version that currently costs $10, until a time it also costs what you paid before.
I did buy it on sale for the $5 price. So does that mean I can buy the new version for $5 to make it the full price of the new version or do I have to spend the full $10?
it doesn't add together... it just looks at what the highest amount you paid at once and compares that to the prices of the available downloads. I don't know if folks set sales and prices intentionally to manipulate this behavior, but it does make buying something on sale that isn't finished a bit unappealing since it likely means you'll have to buy an updated version later if it isn't ALSO on sale.
im havin the same problem
It's in early access now. Soon it will end and the game will be available to you.
Thank you for the reply. I'm glad to know about the early access. I had no idea. I appreciate you letting me know. It's a great game btw and I really enjoy it
Thank you!
I want to pay for this game, but right now I can't. When I try to download/purchase the game, it only offers the use of Paypal and not direct card usage. If this is intentional, than I understand, but if it isn't I wanted to let you know. is cutting off every adult game creator from this payment mode slowly
Stripe does not allow adult content. All adult games will be paypal only from now on
I understand, I'll probably sub to the patreon than.
paypal allows you to use a credit card as a guest...? It adds a step but is ultimately not different than paying with a credit card directly here.
I did end up doing this, thank you for the information, I'd never used paypal before.
I just stumbled into the hammer at the arms dealer's house. This storyline seems very familiar to events that could happen in Dwarf Fortress. I was curious, is that where that is from?
No, we didn't make direct references in this quest.
Got the game on sale for 5 when 0.26 was discounted does that mean I won't have access to 0.35 unless I pay an additional 10?
No. You will receive the game when Early Access passes.
I actually got this game a while ago, and the updates do not allow save transfers, and it got a bit tedious having to redo all progress. This new version seems to have similar inclinations. I paid for it, but that was a while ago, and before this sale. So before I even think about playing again, is the current version going to have its saves wiped out be new content?
Certainly! But you are forgetting a feature that we added a long time ago. You can skip old quests that you completed before and go straight to the new content. Start NEW GAME+ mode and skip what you need.
All righty then! I liked the game, but I went through the updates and had to start over. Usually, when I play a game with updates, I go straight to the load screen when I play games I am waiting for updates from, and all I was seeing was the "safe files from old versions of the game are not supported," warnings. I was up to quest 22 and that just deflated me enough not to do any research, especially when there are so many updates. I just opened a new game and saw what you mean. Now I have a few questions:
1. We plan to have about 35 quests in the 1st episode.
2. Yes! We will update the game on all platforms.
3-4. Certainly! There will be discounts. Be patient - now it's in early access and the game is available for $10. But soon it will be available for $5.
I've owned this game for a while now, but have yet to write a comment for it. Until now, lol, since the new update is coming.
This game has it all, from the amazing artstyle, with the amazing storyline and animation, etc. But, one thing I never expected from this game is the extremely-well written characters along with their dialogues.
The main character actually has a personality, instead of the boring other main characters (Lawful Good). The conversations HIT and TWIST and BOP, and because of the astonishing writing, I never dared to skip any part, heck, I would even roll back in case I fast forwarded by accident. An awesome feat, given that I often find myself wanting to jump to the 18+ stuff as soon as possible in other adult games.
Well worth the price. I might even see it as a STEAL. Though, I just wish the DLCs were just a bit longer.
PS: English is my 2nd language so excuse my grammar mistakes if I make them.
Thanks for the kind words <3
When you release game on Steam?
Any chance you be able to allow me and others with card instead of PayPal
Read this news, everything is detailed there.
Paypal also have guest checkout feature. You can use card to complete payment
From now on all adult game creators will have paypal only due to recent policy change
I don’t understand why people prefer card more than paypal ?
Maybe they don't like saving their cards information online?
so will the game past 0.10c ever become free or is it like a demo and we won't ever get more than that without paying just wondering because that seems like what it might be but its not labeled as one
0.10 is the latest free update.
yes we know. the question was about if we would ever get a free update past that or if you're gonna keep bullying people who swore they'd never spend money on porn.
0.10 remains the last and will be the last free update until the end of the game's release.
I don't think you can call it bullying that they want money for something that they've spent this much effort on I'm pretty sure that's a reasonable ask I just wanted to know if that's what was going on