Knightly Passions (DLC: In the Grip of Ice)! RELEASE!

Dear friends,  

We present to your attention a special DLC for Knightly Passions entitled “In the Grip of Ice.” In this add-on, you'll face the machinations of icy powers who wish to disturb the peace of the town through any means necessary. In order to defeat this evil, you'll have to infiltrate the danger-filled Ice Palace, where cunning traps and pitiless sentinels wait at every step for uninvited guests. Will the intrepid hunter find the courage to confront the Ice Queen? And is there compassion in him capable of melting her frozen heart?

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Is this like the Halloween version that was, basically unbeatable? I will wait until an update on the regular game. Thank you very much

The Halloween version is beatable, it just takes some problem solving skills in certain parts. If you're stuck on the filling the cauldron puzzle, there are guides on that exact type of puzzle.


Greedy. Dlcs for a .1 unfinished game. Ur right i dont have to buy it and i wont. Stopped supporting EA games a long time ago for the same stuff lol.


i dont think a small nsfw game developer makes as much money as EA. kinda hard to compare the two


Which is even more reason NOT to do it. If you're not as well known and it's a proven bad buisness practice. Ea has failed so much in sales on this buisness practice.


The problem is they still far from finishing the game and by releasing another DLC means they intentionally making this game got delayed again. It's better if they finished the game 1st then adding DLC later to make sure they did not stray from their schedule right now. If they released another DLC especially on Christmas or New Year, I wont support them anymore. 

Don't delay the schedule for finishing game, DLC can be added later as soon as you finished it. This is the main rule of making projects/games on any company, you failed to do so, you will ruin yourself.




I know about that, but the problem is they doing it while the work still in development which is not something you would do if you don't finished the game 1st. You can give us paid DLC, but please finish the game 1st before or else your work will be delayed more and more.

That's why there are some backlash from players who play this game and did not like the idea of releasing another DLC in 2 consecutive months (Halloween and Winter DLC). If they added another Christmas or New Year DLC again, another backlash will appear again and they will stop supporting Developers anymore.
