Heyya @FEYADA your game is just on another level i have been playing it from a long time and i loved it but I faced a problem near the cave at stage 4 when there will be a fix (0.46)
There is no virus in the game. Your antivirus is swearing in vain. Download the game and add the game folder to exclusions. The game will work as expected.
This game is awesome. I hope there will be more DLCs in the future. Can't wait to see an update with the cute vampire girl (which is my new waifu). I'm happy to support this project, just as I was happy discovering the gripping storyline in this game. Good job @FEYADA! Love You guys! 😍
If youve already paid there should be a bar at the top of the page saying
"you own this game" and "Download"
If you are using the Itch.io launcher, for some reason it will try to install .10 by default so pay attention to the page that pops up after you instll, click the drop down arrow and choose the latest version.
So paypal just isnt working for me. Idk if Im doing something wrong, but it just gets stuck. Gets me to link my bank (when it already is) then confirms but doesnt give me an option to pay or get back to the pay window. Im just in my paypal account and stuck in wallet. Been trying to buy for like an hour and honestly getting annoyed. Which is why Im here to see if this has happened to anyone else and if they have a fix.
Edit. This game is amazing tbh. Been playing the free version and decided that this game was worth buying. Literally made my account just for this game. So it sucks that Im having issues
Edit 2. Ok finally worked, no idea why it suddenly accepted my card, but here we are. Now to spend the next 6 hours playing.
help :(, both the red haired and the blond nuns are nowhere to be found, the last quest i did with the red-head was paying off her debt to the executioner، and for the blond it was when i made the abbot retuen, i can still go peek into the cells at the evening and night, but can't interact with them, the brunette says that she only sees the blond in the morning (and i can't go in the morning because of the abbot making a sermon or whatever) and the abbot says that the red-head has some "safe space" that she goes to whenever she feels down, im either a dumbass or i just softlocked my run.. and i think im just a dumbass:P (i still need help tho:'(
First you need to get the blonde back. Ask the holy father where she is, he will point to the left door. The red-haired nun is on the field during the day.
When the game is completed, will it be free to play or paid? Im wondering whether or not to wait for the game to be complete to get it for free, or to just buy it no
Updated systems, better combat, annoying dungeon crawling and frustrating c64 adventure ladderbuilding and so on is all good and everything. But you know damn well thats not why we are playing this game. Prioritize please.
Priorities are set. You are playing an unfinished game, so be patient and wait for the final release, because it will be very different from the current one.
Today, we are releasing an updated version of the game, Version 0.47.
Here is the full list of all of the fixes and new features in the game:
Added 6 new battle cards, of which we've previously spoken, to the deck. Battles have become much more interesting. In the future there will be more cards, and at that time we'll remove these 6 new cards from the very beginning of the game and instead give them to the player as rewards for certain quests (as well as for other things).
Fixed the descriptions for all the battle cards.
Changed the font to allow for more space for descriptions.
Fixed the bug in the cave.
Fixed the bug when fighting goblins.
Fixed other, minor bugs related to the game's stability
The new version is already available for download!
You should really fix the NG+ option. You've got it set as strictly chronological even though higher numbered quests can be completed early on but I either have to skip a bunch of quests I haven't finished or redo a bunch of quests that I already finished.
Either that or allow using saves from comparable versions. I mean if all the update does is bugfix (ie 0.45 to 0.46) then the saves logically should be compatible.
That's kind of a frustarting response. I'm sorry if my initial comment seemed more confrontational than intended but it's definitely not ideal to have to either deal with bugs/other issues to get caught up or deal with the hassle of transferring before finishing the game. Granted I'm not a programmer by any right but it still doesn't sound like it would be too difficult to have it work by requirement instead of by number. Like clicking that you've cleared quest 4 would add any quest that unlocks after quest 4 instead of only adding quest 5.
Hello if you're on android and have already sent $5 you can tap downloads at the top will have the new files don't press the red it'll ask you to pay again
Thanks, but i've downloaded each file multiple times. That process works, but then i get the message "app not installed" in place of install complete message.
I bought .46 after playing .10c for free, but can't get any of the subsequent files to install. On one hand, I am playing on a kindle fire; however, that OS is an android derivative and I've never had a problem with other droid apps.
I am still getting the uncaught exceptionerror message with Version 0.46, even when I try following the previously recommended step of installing it in a new folder.
I'm not sure what to do, since the versions up to 0.44 worked just fine.
Yes you do. But if you start back over, then it won't take long to get everything back, of course there is the cheat code you can get. I won't tell what it is though, sorry.
At the top it says "you own this game" and a download button. If you buy it at 10$, future updates that are also 10$ you can download. At least works for me.
I waited for a long time and just tried out the combat in .45
I set max points into armour, melee damage and healing.
Yet 3 wolves are still a HUGE pain in the ass to kill!
These are supposed to be the easiest enemies in the game!
It feels like you are trying to waste my time by making everything a bullet sponge!
I should be able to block a single wolf with a single card by the time I get to level 20... can't do that because they have DOUBLE the attack that I have in armour!
So far as I can see, this games combat is now boring and tedious!
Combat should just be an interlude to the story, but the way it works now it's keeping me from experiencing it due to the sheer amount of time it takes!
The ONLY thing I can think of that could save this, is that you are intending the equipment to be the main thing that matters for combat stats now.
If this is the case, when we skip stories (I skipped up to 20), we should get equipment equal to having played that whole time.
Edit: I want to be clear here.... I'm not trying to be mean.
I enjoyed the sex scenes and the story that I got to see so far and I want to see more.
However your original combat system (3 stats) felt VASTLY better to play.
It was fast and didn't get in the way; it also gave you a clear sense of power when you went back to fight wolves and trounced them!
I had a related thought.... if the balance is so difficult to get right and you feel the game needs a system for combat to play itself... Maybe it's not worth having it?
You could do the whole combat thing narratively, instead of a number combat system.
I disagree, I beleive that if the combat system has potential the devs shouldn't just give up on it just cuz it's hard to balance, like nearly every combat system is hard to balance the only difrence here is that the game's focus isn't combat.
But personally Im a sucker for combat and intresting mechanics in ma h games, so keep it up Feyada!
There is no progress per level, so we get no sense of power growth.
The perks are nothing but small incidental increases, so they really don't matter.
For this system to work, we should have better combat power increase at every level. Could even be automatic, so we dont have to put into catagories, ourselves.
As for perks, they should be incredibly powerful and there should be less of them!
Well those are some great ideas tho. The combat system has the potential to be as good as you just described, as long as the dev team follows through with most of the feedback being given.
Like it would certainly suck if when the game is finally done, we get no impactful changes to the combat system for sure, there's just no reason to abandon it yet.
All I did was download from the provided link and open the downloaded Renpy file, which usually works. Not sure how else to open it but I don't think I'm using the Launcher itch.io.
There are so many issues with patch 0.45 which i will explain the main problems 1st
1. The new enemies on Lake Dungeon did not have loot drop which is they making it hastily but forget to add them and it is not worth to beat them even on Mission 34 where we get a request from Arms Trader to find the book, beat the Hydra and give the loots back to her again.
2. I dont like the passive Dodge which make our attack missed alot because most of time Goblins and Arachne often evade our attacks like 30-40% chance instead of 25% chance and they will killed you easily as time passed too long. Need some rebalancing on Dodge mechanism, too often spawn on crucial attacks
3. Status effects are extremely annoying especially on this patch where our Protagonists will have really bad time dealing the boss and enemies who have Paralyze, Card Theft, Rot (healing cards will damage instead of recover), Spider Web and Progression Action drain. Please rebalance it heavily or give us Status Potion from Witch Shop to remove the negative effects. Card Theft should be nullified when the we BLOCK the entire damage taken, not the other way.
4. Some Accesories like Necklace and rings still have old patches and it did not work at all. I already equip and unequip but still doesnt work at all.
RIght now, I want you guys to make quick fix soon because this patch is really messed up and I did finish the game but with sour face. Already done on every big updates and I can tell the issue immediately
1. Right. We did not have time to do everything on time, so we had to sacrifice the loot that comes out of the new mobs. Agree, it's better than sacrificing the whole quest.
2. Changed in 0.46: Goblins have 15% dodge chance. Arachne has 20%.
So the one thing they don't tell you, is that Even if you pay the discounted price for the game, you're Only paying for That version of the game and can either pay More for the newest version or wait forever for it to become free for you. That's how they make their money, by scamming people into paying more for something they've already bought. Just look elsewhere online and you can get pretty much everything for free. Even the overpriced DLC.
← Return to game
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Heyya @FEYADA your game is just on another level i have been playing it from a long time and i loved it but I faced a problem near the cave at stage 4 when there will be a fix (0.46)
It has long been fixed in 0.47.
will next update have NSFW scene?
Asking the real questions
is there maybe a place i could find the prerequisites and how to start each of the quests?
when i try to open the game its auto deleted and tells me it stopped a virus what do i do?
There is no virus in the game. Your antivirus is swearing in vain. Download the game and add the game folder to exclusions. The game will work as expected.
This game is awesome. I hope there will be more DLCs in the future. Can't wait to see an update with the cute vampire girl (which is my new waifu). I'm happy to support this project, just as I was happy discovering the gripping storyline in this game. Good job @FEYADA! Love You guys! 😍
Thank you <3
When i click download it downloads 0.10 version And not new 0.47 version. Im on android
If you bought the latest version, then you should not have problems downloading it.
If youve already paid there should be a bar at the top of the page saying
"you own this game" and "Download"
If you are using the Itch.io launcher, for some reason it will try to install .10 by default so pay attention to the page that pops up after you instll, click the drop down arrow and choose the latest version.
@FEYADA do you know when you are planning to release it on steam?
Will there be a full game release on steam?
Yes. The Steam page is waiting in the wings.
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So paypal just isnt working for me. Idk if Im doing something wrong, but it just gets stuck. Gets me to link my bank (when it already is) then confirms but doesnt give me an option to pay or get back to the pay window. Im just in my paypal account and stuck in wallet. Been trying to buy for like an hour and honestly getting annoyed. Which is why Im here to see if this has happened to anyone else and if they have a fix.
Edit. This game is amazing tbh. Been playing the free version and decided that this game was worth buying. Literally made my account just for this game. So it sucks that Im having issues
Edit 2. Ok finally worked, no idea why it suddenly accepted my card, but here we are. Now to spend the next 6 hours playing.
Is 0.10c the last free update or will there be more free updates?
Yes. This is the last free update.
Raven, this game is one of the few that I feel is well worth the cost. There are some great stories and plenty of stuff to do.
help :(, both the red haired and the blond nuns are nowhere to be found, the last quest i did with the red-head was paying off her debt to the executioner، and for the blond it was when i made the abbot retuen, i can still go peek into the cells at the evening and night, but can't interact with them, the brunette says that she only sees the blond in the morning (and i can't go in the morning because of the abbot making a sermon or whatever) and the abbot says that the red-head has some "safe space" that she goes to whenever she feels down, im either a dumbass or i just softlocked my run.. and i think im just a dumbass:P (i still need help tho:'(
First you need to get the blonde back. Ask the holy father where she is, he will point to the left door. The red-haired nun is on the field during the day.
when new h scenes
In the next update
When the game is completed, will it be free to play or paid? Im wondering whether or not to wait for the game to be complete to get it for free, or to just buy it no
When version 1.0 comes out, it will be paid.
Armwrestling against the excecuter is Impossible. It doesent make fun. I tried it 30min in Android. My Fingers are hurting. Discusting
did you upgrade the district terror skill?
That's how it was intended. You need to play once and lose to understand exactly how to beat him.
is it just me cause i only have 22 que
Updated systems, better combat, annoying dungeon crawling and frustrating c64 adventure ladderbuilding and so on is all good and everything. But you know damn well thats not why we are playing this game. Prioritize please.
Priorities are set. You are playing an unfinished game, so be patient and wait for the final release, because it will be very different from the current one.
I didn't mean to come off as snarky sounding as I did, but do you really think the combat is what is pulling the crowd?
Dear friends!
Today, we are releasing an updated version of the game, Version 0.47.
Here is the full list of all of the fixes and new features in the game:
The new version is already available for download!
Will be fix tomorrow for android stage 4 cave
I get an error whenever i defeat an enemy and as a result don't get the item drops. I can post the full traceback if desired.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/__eliont__/battle/BattleLabel.rpy", line 304, in <module>
File "game/__eliont__/battle/BattleField.rpy", line 1412, in calculate_and_collect_loot
IOError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor
The ITCH app is breaking our game for some reason. To make the problem disappear, launch the game manually from the game folder.
ok, thank you for the reply.
You should really fix the NG+ option. You've got it set as strictly chronological even though higher numbered quests can be completed early on but I either have to skip a bunch of quests I haven't finished or redo a bunch of quests that I already finished.
Either that or allow using saves from comparable versions. I mean if all the update does is bugfix (ie 0.45 to 0.46) then the saves logically should be compatible.
Then advice: Complete all quests before downloading the new version of the game.
That's kind of a frustarting response. I'm sorry if my initial comment seemed more confrontational than intended but it's definitely not ideal to have to either deal with bugs/other issues to get caught up or deal with the hassle of transferring before finishing the game. Granted I'm not a programmer by any right but it still doesn't sound like it would be too difficult to have it work by requirement instead of by number. Like clicking that you've cleared quest 4 would add any quest that unlocks after quest 4 instead of only adding quest 5.
Hello why is there error at the cave
Same here on the stage 4 at the cave game gives me an error. (Android 0.46)
One of these days there will be a fix.
ok thanks for reply
This is the most pictures I have ever seen 😂
Hello if you're on android and have already sent $5 you can tap downloads at the top will have the new files don't press the red it'll ask you to pay again
Thanks, but i've downloaded each file multiple times. That process works, but then i get the message "app not installed" in place of install complete message.
You need to uninstall the old version of the game and then install the new one.
Thanks, that worked.
I bought .46 after playing .10c for free, but can't get any of the subsequent files to install. On one hand, I am playing on a kindle fire; however, that OS is an android derivative and I've never had a problem with other droid apps.
You need to uninstall the old version of the game and then install the new one.
With 0.46, there's an error in stage 4 of the cave (goblin_theft) that completely blocks progression.
I'd gladly pay extra for a patch that fixes this but also allows me to keep my saves.
I understand. We will fix this in the next update.
Great game, but update 0.46 has a consistent game crash when getting to arachne's lair. I can't progress any further at the moment.
Yup. It believe its suppose to be a fight with a goblin? Its on Stage 4 anyways
We will fix this in the next update. Thanks!
Thank you for the reply- looking forward to it. The game is fantastic!
is it playable on i-phone?
Not yet, but in the future we will bring the game to iPhones.
I am still getting the uncaught exception error message with Version 0.46, even when I try following the previously recommended step of installing it in a new folder.
I'm not sure what to do, since the versions up to 0.44 worked just fine.
We will fix this in the next update. Thanks!
Hello Feyada, Im currently facing a problem,
I don't understand how I am supposed t continue my game where I left off, if in the 0.46 version the files from the 0.38 are not supported.
It's impossible to ask players to redo everything every update you have.
Is there a way to fix this? I can't really think of myself replaying everything after finishing all the previous 22 quests.
Just start a new game, do the new game + and you can skip over the ones you have already done.
Don't you lose your items and money if you do that, though?
Yes you do. But if you start back over, then it won't take long to get everything back, of course there is the cheat code you can get. I won't tell what it is though, sorry.
Start new +
All rewards for missed quests will be in your backpack.
You don't need to pay many times, just buy the game once.
YOU fucked up.
If you bought it, even on sale, then YOUR download link is at the top of the game page, where it says "You own this game".
I have a simple question. I consider buying 0.45. If later there is a 0.50 for an example, do I have to pay another 10$ (€ in my case) to play 0.50?
At the top it says "you own this game" and a download button. If you buy it at 10$, future updates that are also 10$ you can download. At least works for me.
You won't have to pay again.
Hi this looks intresting you say there is multiple fetishes in this game is there any transformation content preferably male to female?
No, but it is planned in future updates.
Well, there KIND OF is a very brief male to female transformation xD
I waited for a long time and just tried out the combat in .45
I set max points into armour, melee damage and healing.
Yet 3 wolves are still a HUGE pain in the ass to kill!
These are supposed to be the easiest enemies in the game!
It feels like you are trying to waste my time by making everything a bullet sponge!
I should be able to block a single wolf with a single card by the time I get to level 20... can't do that because they have DOUBLE the attack that I have in armour!
So far as I can see, this games combat is now boring and tedious!
Combat should just be an interlude to the story, but the way it works now it's keeping me from experiencing it due to the sheer amount of time it takes!
The ONLY thing I can think of that could save this, is that you are intending the equipment to be the main thing that matters for combat stats now.
If this is the case, when we skip stories (I skipped up to 20), we should get equipment equal to having played that whole time.
Edit: I want to be clear here.... I'm not trying to be mean.
I enjoyed the sex scenes and the story that I got to see so far and I want to see more.
However your original combat system (3 stats) felt VASTLY better to play.
It was fast and didn't get in the way; it also gave you a clear sense of power when you went back to fight wolves and trounced them!
Thanks for your feedback. We will balance the game.
I had a related thought.... if the balance is so difficult to get right and you feel the game needs a system for combat to play itself... Maybe it's not worth having it?
You could do the whole combat thing narratively, instead of a number combat system.
Example: Go hunt in the forest
> Wolves
*dice roll*
You got... whatever wolf parts, etc.
I disagree, I beleive that if the combat system has potential the devs shouldn't just give up on it just cuz it's hard to balance, like nearly every combat system is hard to balance the only difrence here is that the game's focus isn't combat.
But personally Im a sucker for combat and intresting mechanics in ma h games, so keep it up Feyada!
Now I disagree.
There is no progress per level, so we get no sense of power growth.
The perks are nothing but small incidental increases, so they really don't matter.
For this system to work, we should have better combat power increase at every level.
Could even be automatic, so we dont have to put into catagories, ourselves.
As for perks, they should be incredibly powerful and there should be less of them!
maybe give them every 5 levels.
The ones right now are forgettable.
Example perk: Critical Hits
Allows critical hits (or the crit meter thing).
Base crit rate is equal to player level.
^-- this would be a perk worth having.
Each perk should be a game changer!
Well those are some great ideas tho. The combat system has the potential to be as good as you just described, as long as the dev team follows through with most of the feedback being given.
Like it would certainly suck if when the game is finally done, we get no impactful changes to the combat system for sure, there's just no reason to abandon it yet.
We are not Balder's Gate 3
how do i start the quest hunting the hunter? the boy disappeared but i don't know what to do.
Communicate with residents.
How to enter quest 6?
Complete the main storyline cave.
Downloaded the Mac version of 0.45 and it crashes upon opening.
Do not launch the game through Launcher itch.io. Launch the game from the game folder. For some reason, the launcher breaks the launch of some games.
All I did was download from the provided link and open the downloaded Renpy file, which usually works. Not sure how else to open it but I don't think I'm using the Launcher itch.io.
Did you download to the same folder where the previous version of the game was? Try downloading again and installing the game in a new folder.
Yes. The game automatically saves to my Downloads folder, which is where I've been booting it up from.
When I try to start it up I get an error message reading:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/Resources/live2d_animations.rpy", line 35, in <module>
Exception: Could not load Live2D. /Users/[REDACTED]/Downloads/Knightly_passions.app/Contents/MacOS/libLive2DCubismCore.dylib was not found.
There are so many issues with patch 0.45 which i will explain the main problems 1st
1. The new enemies on Lake Dungeon did not have loot drop which is they making it hastily but forget to add them and it is not worth to beat them even on Mission 34 where we get a request from Arms Trader to find the book, beat the Hydra and give the loots back to her again.
2. I dont like the passive Dodge which make our attack missed alot because most of time Goblins and Arachne often evade our attacks like 30-40% chance instead of 25% chance and they will killed you easily as time passed too long. Need some rebalancing on Dodge mechanism, too often spawn on crucial attacks
3. Status effects are extremely annoying especially on this patch where our Protagonists will have really bad time dealing the boss and enemies who have Paralyze, Card Theft, Rot (healing cards will damage instead of recover), Spider Web and Progression Action drain. Please rebalance it heavily or give us Status Potion from Witch Shop to remove the negative effects. Card Theft should be nullified when the we BLOCK the entire damage taken, not the other way.
4. Some Accesories like Necklace and rings still have old patches and it did not work at all. I already equip and unequip but still doesnt work at all.
RIght now, I want you guys to make quick fix soon because this patch is really messed up and I did finish the game but with sour face. Already done on every big updates and I can tell the issue immediately
Hello, thanks for your feedback! <3
In order:
1. Right. We did not have time to do everything on time, so we had to sacrifice the loot that comes out of the new mobs. Agree, it's better than sacrificing the whole quest.
2. Changed in 0.46: Goblins have 15% dodge chance. Arachne has 20%.
3-4. Let's think about what we can do with it.
just wait they release it for us like in a week or so i believ
We still get it it's just that it takes a slightly longer time for us to get it while patreons get it immediately.
So the one thing they don't tell you, is that Even if you pay the discounted price for the game, you're Only paying for That version of the game and can either pay More for the newest version or wait forever for it to become free for you. That's how they make their money, by scamming people into paying more for something they've already bought. Just look elsewhere online and you can get pretty much everything for free. Even the overpriced DLC.
If everyone were pirates, developers wouldn't release games :3
Hello, is this playable on SteamDeck? And if yes, how does it play with a controller scheme?
Haven't tested it, but I'm very hopeful that it's possible.
yes it works but there is currently a bug that halts progress