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question about new skill point system, the intimidation skill terror of the district is 5/5, but a lot of intimidation encounters require 7 or even 12, and when I select the intimidation option it always says the level is too low even though its 5/5

This is bug. We'll fix this in future updates.

Vai ter tradução em português futuramente???

Se conseguirmos alguém que traduza o jogo para o português, sim.

Deleted 316 days ago

You don't have to pay again. Passing early access. It will end soon and the latest version of the game will be available to you.


This comes up ever release. The sale price was too good to pass up, but the result is that itch doesn't recognize folks who purchased the game on sale as having purchase the full value release.

This is the only distribution platform that I've ever encountered this behavior. It might be worth including a notice about this issue in your release notification so folks are not confused and/or angry with you (who are not responsible for the shop failure) to have to deal with each time the game receives and update.

That being said, can you let us all know when those of us with a discounted full license will be able to access the update?  I for one really like the changes and direction you have been taking this game.

Within 7-10 days there will be an update 0.36 (correction of errors in 0.35). It will be for $5 players.


The Home Sweet Home quest seems to break if you went the slow path. When giving chickens and eggs, it won't proceed the quest further, even if you go past 20 days. The faster path that is 2500 Gold works though.

Fighting goblin type enemies is a pain in the ass, even with the most offensive stats maxed out. It has a chance to dodge and it will run away when at low health, meaning no loot when fought. Thankfully, health resets each battle (if not a bug).

Thank you! We'll fix it.

Hi i've been having issue running the game apk. when i open the application the game starts up but it ten closes on its own soon after. I've tried deleting any earlier versions of the game that i had and it still hasn't fixed my problem. Can you maybe help me???

I think the problem may be with your device. I myself test release versions on PC and Android - everything works stably.

oh ok. do you have any suggestion for what i can maybe do to fix my problem

You may be running out of memory on your device. Free it up so that a few gigabytes are available. This applies to both the memory on the phone itself and the RAM.

would this also apply to laptops? because I got the game on an acer Chromebook. The weird thing is the DLC games work but whenever i try playing the main game it just doesn't stay open. Would me being on a laptop change anything? also i have plenty of storage on the laptop so idk if that would be the problem in this case.


Not really sure why I have to wait to access something I already paid for. Those who paid for the game, regardless of how much, should be able to access what they bought and paid for, as soon as it's available. It's bad business to do otherwise. It's like paying for a meal, it being ready and the cooks telling you that you can't have your food for another few hours. I paid for it, I should get my purchase as soon as it's available, regardless if I paid 5, 10, or 25 bucks for something.

You bought the game (version 0.26), and you received it at the time of purchase (Just like in a restaurant - you ordered food, they brought it to you right away). You don't have to wait to play version 0.26. But if you want to play the latest version (0.35) right now, the game is worth buying for $10. Or pay $5, be patient and wait.

(1 edit) (-1)

Which would be alright if it were the full game. But since it isn't the full game, it's like paying for a full meal and only getting half of your mean and the cook telling you that the rest of your meal Is ready and even though you've already paid for it, you still need to wait for it.

I already paid for my full meal, why are you serving me an incomplete meal and why are you forcing me to wait for the rest of my meal?

Again, you paid for the 0.26 version and you got it in full. You asked for lunch - you received it immediately at the time of purchase.

Version 0.35 (let's call it dinner) is now in early access. It is available to those who paid the full price, without a discount. You will get version 0.35 but later (you just have to wait for dinner).

Can someone  tell me how to download this on pc

(2 edits)

Download the archive and unzip it. There is an .exe file in the folder, run it and enjoy.


I bought it once already. I refuse to pay for it again. I can't afford to do that

If you have already bought once, you do not need to pay again. Just wait until the game becomes available to you. If you spent $10, then it will be available to you right now. If less, it will be available later. We have early access.

how do i use the new skill system? when i click on the arrow it says i have x skill points but when i click on the images, nothing happens. Am i doing it wrong or is it bugged?

(1 edit) (+1)

You click on the skill you want to upgrade for about two seconds, keeping the mouse button down the whole time.



You have to pay a full $10 for the new content, you cant pay $5 twice unfortunately.  Stupid system but thats how it is.

Agree. It annoys me a little myself.

I have already bought the game last year, but the 0.35 update does not show on my download page,

Only 0.26 shows up as latest version to download. Why that?

Do have to buy it again to get the new update?

(1 edit)

Okay, figured out it's probably because I bought it at a sale for 5 bucks. Can I add more money to what I already paid or do I have to buy it for the full price again to get future updates?

If you have already bought once, you do not need to pay again. Just wait until the game becomes available to you. If you spent $10, then it will be available to you right now. If less, it will be available later. We have early access.

Hello do i have acces to cheat codes if i bought game on itch io?


I downloaded the new version and i cant load my saved data from the previous game so now i have to start over is that supposed to happen because i put alot of time into it already

Sadly, you can't port your saves into the newer versions. But~ that's what the feature "New Game+" is for! Just choose the quests you have already completed, the skill points and rewards you accumulate from said quests.


(1 edit) (+4)(-1)

I purchased the game several months ago and it says I should have acces to the latest version but I don't have access to latest file on the download page. Do I have to pay again?


Same here. Got an email saying that I should have access to 0.35, but the only dl links I see when I go to the dl page are for 0.26.


Same here, bought the game twice but again can't access the newest version


Yeah I'm getting the same thing too, hopefully they come out with a message or something soon because I don't want to pay for it again lol


Ditto here


me as well


I'm experiencing the same issue as @sirpantero...

I would check the download link for your previous purchase and see how much you paid at that time, what I've noticed is you only get access to downloads that cost what you paid before or less... so if you bought a version on sale for $5 (like I did) you will not be able to download this new version that currently costs $10, until a time it also costs what you paid before.

(1 edit)

I did buy it on sale for the $5 price. So does that mean I can buy the new version for $5 to make it the full price of the new version or do I have to spend the full $10?

it doesn't add together... it just looks at what the highest amount you paid at once and compares that to the prices of the available downloads. I don't know if folks set sales and prices intentionally to manipulate this behavior, but it does make buying something on sale that isn't finished a bit unappealing since it likely means you'll have to buy an updated version later if it isn't ALSO on sale.

im havin the same problem

(1 edit)

It's in early access now. Soon it will end and the game will be available to you.

Thank you for the reply. I'm glad to know about the early access. I had no idea. I appreciate you letting me know. It's a great game btw and I really enjoy it

Thank you!


I want to pay for this game, but right now I can't. When I try to download/purchase the game, it only offers the use of Paypal and not direct card usage. If this is intentional, than I understand, but if it isn't I wanted to let you know. is cutting off every adult game creator from this payment mode slowly

Stripe does not allow adult content. All adult games will be paypal only from now on

I understand, I'll probably sub to the patreon than.



paypal allows you to use a credit card as a guest...? It adds a step but is ultimately not different than paying with a credit card directly here.

I did end up doing this, thank you for the information, I'd never used paypal before.



I just stumbled into the hammer at the arms dealer's house. This storyline seems very familiar to events that could happen in Dwarf Fortress. I was curious, is that where that is from?

No, we didn't make direct references in this quest.

Got the game on sale for 5 when 0.26 was discounted does that mean I won't have access to 0.35 unless I pay an additional 10? 

No. You will receive the game when Early Access passes.

I actually got this game a while ago, and the updates do not allow save transfers, and it got a bit tedious having to redo all progress.  This new version seems to have similar inclinations.  I paid for it, but that was a while ago, and before this sale.  So before I even think about playing again, is the current version going to have its saves wiped out be new content?

Certainly! But you are forgetting a feature that we added a long time ago. You can skip old quests that you completed before and go straight to the new content. Start NEW GAME+ mode and skip what you need.

(3 edits)

All righty then!  I liked the game, but I went through the updates and had to start over.  Usually, when I play a game with updates, I go straight to the load screen when I play games I am waiting for updates from, and all I was seeing was the "safe files from old versions of the game are not supported," warnings.  I was up to quest 22 and that just deflated me enough not to do any research, especially when there are so many updates.   I just opened a new game and saw what you mean.   Now I have a few questions:

  1. How many total quests do you expect past Quest 31 to be included in this cost?
  2. Will this purchase include updates to match the Steam release?  
  3. If no to question 2, will there be a discount for people who pay for 0.35?  
  4. Also, I bought this before, and my purchase price obviously did not cover new updates past .016.  Any discounts for previous purchases?
(1 edit)

1. We plan to have about 35 quests in the 1st episode.
2. Yes! We will update the game on all platforms.
3-4. Certainly! There will be discounts. Be patient - now it's in early access and the game is available for $10. But soon it will be available for $5.

I've owned this game for a while now, but have yet to write a comment for it. Until now, lol, since the new update is coming.

This game has it all, from the amazing artstyle, with the amazing storyline and animation, etc. But, one thing I never expected from this game is the extremely-well written characters along with their dialogues. 

The main character actually has a personality, instead of the boring other main characters (Lawful Good). The conversations HIT and TWIST and BOP, and because of the astonishing writing, I never dared to skip any part, heck, I would even roll back in case I fast forwarded by accident. An awesome feat, given that I often find myself wanting to jump to the 18+ stuff as soon as possible in other adult games.

Well worth the price. I might even see it as a STEAL. Though, I just wish the DLCs were just a bit longer.

PS: English is my 2nd language so excuse my grammar mistakes if I make them.

Thanks for the kind words <3

When you release game on Steam?


Any chance you be able to allow me and others with card instead of PayPal

Read this news, everything is detailed there.


Paypal also have guest checkout feature. You can use card to complete payment

From now on all adult game creators will have paypal only due to recent policy change

I don’t understand why people prefer card more than paypal ?

Maybe they don't like saving their cards information online?

so will the game past 0.10c ever become free or is it like a demo and we won't ever get more than that without paying just wondering because that seems like what it might be but its not labeled as one

0.10 is the latest free update.


yes we know. the question was about if we would ever get a free update past that or if you're gonna keep bullying people who swore they'd never spend money on porn.

0.10 remains the last and will be the last free update until the end of the game's release.


I don't think you can call it bullying that they want money for something that they've spent this much effort on I'm pretty sure that's a reasonable ask I just wanted to know if that's what was going on

(1 edit)

my game keeps crashing after i fight the white wolf for the first tim


1. Where did you download the game from?

2. What device do you play on? What operating system?

3. Did you do anything with saves?

I would literally call this the best hentia action adventure game I've ever played especially with the art style and combat but why Is there literally no sex audio? 😞 Such a let down that there no awesome moaning or wet sounds such a let down literally stopped playing it because the audio for sex scenes was just boring. Hope they add that in an update game would be 10/10 then deffo worth supporting the developers then.


Thank you! I think we will add groans to the Steam release.

I play solely on Android so please please please add it to that too. It's such an awesome game so don't go cheap with the sex scenes especially with such amazing art style will definitely donate to the cause with an awesome update like great sex audio. Much love ❤️

Yes, but maybe it won't be right away) Steam release will be version 1.0. Perhaps we will add moans in version 1.1, 1.2 or another.

I hope so look forward to playing it with the addition stuff planned ❤️

innocent witches, summertime saga (doesn't have audio though), confined with goddesses would definitely fit your tastes, lots of audio there for more than sex scenes. 

this isn't advertisement just supporting the fellas.

can't find that one 😞

Saves from the free version not being upwards compatible feels like a punch in the face to players who enjoyed the "demo" and decided to buy the latest release and DLCs. :/

We've talked about this more than once. The game will crash and pop up an error if you use old saves. Do players need bugs? No.

Therefore, we have found a solution. Use the "New Game +" mode to skip already completed quests in previous saves. Rewards are saved.

Hi 👋 fellow nsfw developer! Can you share the statistics how much sales are affected after you switched to paypal only also banned me and i am using paypal only now

Sales dropped by ~50%.

I also experienced the same. But can’t say anything for sure yet is it really 50%

Paypal also have guest checkout feature. You can use card to complete payment

I don’t understand why people prefer card more than paypal ?

Because Damn near every service accepts card payments directly and hardly anyone bothers to keep track of their PayPal's, even if they already had one in the past. There's just not a good reason for using it anymore. 

(2 edits)

Was it worth it?

Edit: Nvm, I just saw your payoneer thingy thing. The hell is that about anyway? 

(2 edits)

Anyone know how to start quest 13 ive done everything else

Also: When this game updates will i lose my saves and galleries 🗿

Notice board near the executioner. She has a quest.

How do i pay for the full game if i don't have paypal?


You can wait for the release on steam or buy a subscription on patreon.

(1 edit)

I just got 0.26 on android but i cant install it for some reason it says it conflicts with the existing files

I jumped from 10 c to 0.26

Uninstall the old version and install the new one.

I feel stupid, but how can I upgrade my skills? I got 2 points and can`t find any interface for them :_)


In inventory, top left.

Just so you know. I found out for the android's.

The DLCs are actually standalone programs — you run them separately from the base game and they don't interact with the base game.

In easy to understand words, game will download and make a new game. Game will be based off main game but make no difference to your main game at all.

Have fun 😊


How to do quest 6 bro ? 

You need to ransom the nun from the executioner. Save up the gold.

(1 edit)


I got for .1 to try but plain on getting .26 and both DLC also real soon. This is a great game. 

I do have a question though, I'm playing on an Android phone so will it just add the DLC automatically or will I have to do something? 

Also when 0.35 comes out will I have to then pay again or (please take no offense) just wait for few weeks then pay?

(2 edits) (+1)

Just wait till the 0.35 comes out because itch works in a weird way for example right now vers 0.25 is 5$ if you pay 5$ now you can get it BUT when the 0.35 comes out if the dev decided to increase the price up you would have to buy once again but if the new version is still 5$ you should be able to download normally

Note: this is only a problem on itch go to their patreon if you want the 0.26 and not risk paying extra when the 0.35 comes out


0.35 will be available immediately for everyone who spent $10 - this is early access. If you spent $5 - just wait and the game will become available to you in 2 weeks.

Ahh ok thanks for responding to me. I will send the 5$ now just because will probably take me the 2 extra weeks to get to the dead end lol. Btw I hope you have a good father's day.

Thank you great game. How often do you update and when will there be a new version)

Update 1 time in 2-3 months. The new update will be at the end of June.

Is the dlcs a seperate game?



alr thx!

When game goes on Steam ? Will be there Mac version ?  If I buy it here can I have a key to steam version too after that or I should w8t till it goes there ? (  I like their system of achievement and steam cards it's really cool )

We plan to release the game on Steam by the end of this year. A Mac version is already available, and yes it will be in Steam. At the expense of the keys - we have not thought yet.

The Fight music in this game was definitely inspiration by Assassin's Creed wasn't it? It sound's so good!


Yes, we do references, including musical ones.

OK, WOW. Great Game you got going on here, I love the way it plays and the characters are amazing. Although I only played the FREE 0.10 version, I enjoyed the nine hours of my life. Also, I see some complaints about the massive gap between 0.10 and 0.26, but I appreciate it because if it wasn't free, I would have never played this gem of a game. I never came to this game for it's Adult content, I came for the added realism. I came in to this with an open mind and was blown away. Wish you the best in future development and can't wait to see more. 10 out of 10.


plis 0.20 free




I understand that you put a part of the paid game and another less advanced one for free but 0.10 is very far from 0.26

I only ask for a more complete version but not the latest


It takes money to develop a game. We don't want to give it away for free. If we give the game away for free, we won't be able to release new versions.

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

So true bud but I think that guy point is more good then yours,yes everyone needs money and it would be very bad of us to ask it for free when u are doing all this hard work for us,but 0.10 version and 0.26 version is too much of a gap,it could be reduce to at least half of latest if not to what he asked for free players benifit,it may not benifit u true,but won't harm u too at same time since who wants to pay would still go for latest version and not half point free version,so try doing maybe till 16-18?

(1 edit) (+2)(-2)

yes of course I understand, you earn money with this game and it is totally perfect

It's just me and many other people who don't have the money to pay for all the games they want

5 dollars here in my country is enough for a game but I also know that in your country it is not much

I only kindly ask that you give us a version with more content so that we can enjoy it without you losing money

if there is not much difference between 0.10 and 0.26 then I understand perfectly and I will not speak or complain about it

Lastly, I'm just speaking kindly from how I see it and if you don't agree then I hope you'll kindly reply too ♡


It's interesting how a lot of people want the version to be updated from 0.10 to a newer version, I agree with them, so far the only thing the dev has said it cost money to make the game, as a beta tester for plenty of game PC, mobile, and some console, I don't get payed, I like games for the enjoyment and fun, but limiting players to a version lower than a newer one seems like a huge set back, if you want people to enjoy and play a game and not feel ripped from content, it's best to make the game at least 0.19 or 0.22, otherwise your gonna get a lot of angry reviews, maybe it costs money but if you have versions later than 0.10 what's stopping you from posting it here? I'm pretty sure posting a new version doesn't cost money, or at least do what lots of others do, post a version behind and make newer, unstable builds on a Patreon for people to play, but rn it seems the dev wants money to continue while we play a out of saw version

Is there anymore content with the vampire yet? 


You must defend when she attacks and attack when she defends.

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