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I can't unlock the first scene for the redheaded nun. Whenever I go to the field in the afternoon, nothing is there, even after completing quest 26.

Nevermind I just had to peek at night first.

Yes, you must complete other quests that are related to the field.


Hi, this may be a stupid request but once the game is completed could you make it so that you can choose the character that appears on the main screen?

Hello. We have only 1 main character - this is a hunter.


Yes I know that, but what I mean was like when you start the game and in the main menu there is a girl in the background and you click the potion at the top right corner and every version update there is a different character, could you make it so that you chose the main menu background or something like that

Yes, we plan to do so in the future.

how do i refund? i was planning to buy the 5$ version but incidentally bought it in 1$

only have 5$ in my paypal honestly it would be way faster than the hassle of fully verifying it, is it even possible to refund?

If it has a return button, then you can probably return the money.

none💀 it aight now

How do I start the Quest 28 Strange doll?

By the way very Great game i love it:)

You need to come to the monastery at night. But before that, you need to complete quest #27.

im playing the 0.26 version of the game and im doing the quest where u fight a werewolf. im at the point where im supposed to ask the witch for more info but when i talk to her nothing happens . can i get some help with this?

At this point, the main story is complete. Look forward to the continuation in the next versions of the game.

A question (and a bug report). Is there a way to reset the progress of Quest 19: The Young Warrior?

It was one of the first quests that I picked up in the game, and I progressed it all the way until it suggested that I talk to Mirina. I couldn't find Mirina anywhere, and upon realising that I'd started the nineteenth quest before any of the others, I concluded that Mirina was someone who I hadn't met yet and I had done things out of order.

I have since played everything that the free version of the game had to offer, and I finally know who Mirina is and she has progressed to the point where she should be able to help with the quest. However, I still do not have access to an option to continue.

I suspect the either the next stage of the quest didn't apply properly because I started it too early, or the relevant flag to trigger the next step is locked in the paid version. My best suggestion for the former is to lock it off from starting at all until all the prerequisites are in place, or find a way to maintain that variable until the prerequisites are in place.

Just complete the quests in the monastery and you will have access to the mirina.


will the free version ever have more content added?

We are focusing on the paid version, so it's hard to say.

how do you complete the search for my sister quest?

At what stage are you? Send a screenshot from the quest log.

I've speak with all of them and I don't know where to go

You also have the main quest above. Try looking for clues there. Also try the side quests.

(1 edit) (-1)

I would like to pay for V0.26 but I can’t pay with debit. I don’t have a PayPal because I don’t have a phone number to create an account. please add an option for those who do not have PayPal thx.

P.S. how do I find a female assistant? I’ve asked every girl in the game it seems like.

she's in the spider cave, at the end

thx I’ll check it out. <3


We recently made a post about how, unfortunately, ITCH has disconnected us from the Pioneer payment system. For us, the only way out was on itche - this is accepting payments through Paypal. There is a way out for you to buy the game on another patreon platform.

The tavern helper is a maid that you free from the kokan. If you have already done so, it will be on the market.


Thank you and keep up the great work!

Ahm where can I access the 5th quest? 😅

You need to talk to the brunette nun. At the right moment, she will tell you that she has lost something. If this does not happen, go through other quests.

the updates to the spider cave have killed me 5 times in a row now, most on the "easy" setting. on the plus side, i'm reminded of the needlessly brutal text adventures of my youth. also, now i hate branches and leaves.


my mistake, its being trapped in a cave near the end of the dentrite? hunt that's sucking all the fun out of the world. when i finally make that ladder, i'm going to beat everyone i see with it.

Maybe we should add a skip to this puzzle :D

unlike the labyrinth which just took lots and lots of notes, this one required tons of trial and error. i've mostly recovered from my ordeal, but intense resource management isn't what i'd consider fun, so maybe?

Deleted 347 days ago
(1 edit)

I've played through all the sex scenes with the elf, but the gallery doesn't show them as unlocked.  Bug?  Everyone else's gallery shows their scenes. 

What version of the game?


Did you leave the game? Did they launch it again? Describe your actions after which the elf scenes do not work.


while playing the game, if I visit the elf, I can play through all the elf scenes, those work.  they're just not showing up in the gallery. all I see there is a lock.  I can't replay them through the gallery, even while in that same save(it's the only save I use)  everyone else's gallery shows up and can be replayed without issue. 
 Jonathan Darkly also posted about this and you responded that it's going to be fixed, so I'm going to assume you are already addressing the issue. 

Having a bit of trouble with the Forest Lake quest. I've actually caught 4 Icarus (they're all I catch now) and the quest still tells me I need to catch one. The fisherman doesn't seem to notice I have them when I visit. Possibly just a bug. 

What version of the game?

I'm currently on v0.26

Send a screenshot where you have 4 icarius.

If you're still stuck on the Icarus glitch, try going to the dock near the fisherman, clicking the fishing spot and leaving the fishing ui. I don't know if it'll work for you but it solved my problem.

Say, can I download the new version without losing my save ? 

No, because we are changing the mechanics of the game. If you load old saves, then your game will crash and give a lot of errors. Therefore, use the NEW GAME + mode, where you can skip quests and get rewards for skipping them.

i stuck in a labyrinth,i cant get out and away die like a loop

That's how it was intended. Tip: take a piece of paper and a pen and write down which door leads to trial and error. Sooner or later you will find the shortest path to freedom.

I purchased this game and got a notification that version .25 was released but I dont see it anywhere on my download list. The last version on my list is .16.

Do I need to buy it again?

Will my save still work?

If you purchased it when it was 50% off, then you need to wait for 0.25 to go 5$, and then you will be able to download it 

(2 edits) (+4)(-1)

And when, exactly, will that be? I kinda feel like they're ripping people by not letting them download what they paid money for? Lesson learned. Don't buy anything from these people, because they won't let you download what you paid for.

How they've been doing it is people who pay $10 get the newest update right when it drops, then after about 2 weeks it goes on sale for those who spent $5. It works pretty much like a Patreon Tier system.


I'm not gonna keep paying money for a game still in development. I looked elsewhere for what I wanted and found what I was looking for.

Well, its out now. Its just 2 extra weeks, i dont see what the problem is.


Do not mislead people. The person who left the comment already got access to the new version yesterday. We work here in much the same way as we do on Patreon.

The game should already be available to you. There was early access, now it's gone.

How do I solve the cave puzzle for quest 22?

click all the doors that looked caved in once you find the pickaxe

You need to find the key to the first chest, then find the second chest, the third and actually exit the labyrinth. Remember where you have been and where you haven't. There are only 20 rooms in this labyrinth.

Hey Feyada, I wanted to add the remaining $4 to my current purchase of $6. Instead of coming to a total of $10 it shows two purchases. Is there a way to correct this?


I think no. Not our fault.


Will you somehow make it possible to bring saves from older versions into newer versions? Like seriously how have you not implemented something like this? I've spent 3 hours or so farming up stuff just from hunting/ fishing to sell for gold and craft stuff, I know I can play "new game+" If I don't want to start from the beginning but all that progress was for nothing.

I'll also miss some past quest as well because of this whole save issue, like I can't seem to find the quest for "Nature's Wrath" but I've played the quest "World of Trading" before but I can't tick that in the new game+ section unless I tick "Nature's Wrath". So if I don't want to go through "World of Trading" again I'd have to miss out on "Nature's Wrath".  Seems like something you should look into immediately. It's not a me thing either, another commenter had the same issue.

I was seriously considering supporting but if something like this isn't possible man, I'd rather wait till full release which who knows how long that might take.  I don't want to be rude, I swear, but this is just too frustrating and annoying. Like what's the point of playing a new update if you have to start over from scratch EVERY UPDATE.

Why from scratch? You don't have to go through the whole game again. You can skip all the quests from the previous update and continue playing the new quests. It is enough to start the "New Game +" mode.

We cannot fully implement loading from OLD saves. The reason is that we are changing mechanics. And this leads to the fact that the gameplay changes in the game. This means that you cannot load old saves, because these saves do not contain new mechanics.

If you want to play NEW content - I wrote above what to do :3 You don't need to go through the same thing 10 times.


A heads up for whoever bought the $20 version when it was 50% off.

If you're using the app, you wont be able to download the newer version (in my case)

Solution: go to the website, click on the drop down menu to the right of your profile and click downloads. Go to My Purchases. Download from there.

Its the same as finding the email from when you first bought the game and got the receipt.



(1 edit)

The last slot of whichever save page I'm on always autosaves a save of the map for some reason
(has been happening in all versions I've played, but decided to comment about it since one of my saves got overwritten)

Thanks, we'll look into this issue.

um so which verison is tru originally fully the last time updates?

The game is under development. When there will be version 1.0, it will be a full-fledged first part.

so which ver u reecomend me then as begginer?


(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Hi Developer,

I'm writing to bring to your attention an issue I have been facing with a game I purchased from your company approximately a year ago. I had bought the game at a discounted price of 50%, paying a total of $5, which indicates that the full price of the game was $10. 

Recently, I noticed that the price of the game has increased to $20, but due to a sale, it is currently available for $10. However, despite my attempts to access the 0.25 version of the game by clicking on the download button in the gray bar at the top, I have been unsuccessful. As of now, I am only able to access version 0.16 of the game.

I'm writing to inquire if I need to pay an additional $10 to access the 0.25 version of the game. While I am willing to pay the amount, I feel a little betrayed by the sudden increase in price. I would appreciate it if you could provide me with an alternative solution to the issue.

 Thank you for your time and attention to this matter.


No you dont need to pay an additional $10. Apparently when you buy a game on sale theres a delay for you to get the next update (About 2 weeks)


This answers my same issue

It's in early access now. We will soon release a new update 0.26 and it will be available to you.

(1 edit)

Just updated to vers. 0.25 and it says: 'Loading saves from older versions of the game is not supported'

I have at least 8 hours invested already.. is there any way to fill in the details to a fresh save for 0.25 like some other AVN games do?

Kinda like a save editor but part of Renpy/KP.
Keep up the good work.. enjoyed KP more than I thought I would :) 


Originally posted on the announcement page but here is where FEYADA answers questions.. I'm not saying or demanding I want a magic bullet.. even if I have to redo my 8+ hours this time.. it would be good to know *something* is in the works for migration of saves version to version, this is an RPG with many mini-games, character puzzles and not just a straight up AVN where I can hit 'skip'. I would assume.. a save migration tool would important to the project in light of it being an RPG.

'Magic bullet' means an instant fix for a problem.

(not really a might and magic guy and the lack of controls put me off at first but then really zoned in to the game.. pretty girls and good story!)


If you dont want to start from zero, you can take New Game + and check, wich quests you dont want to play again. They will be finished at start.



Erm.. the V girl's castle is missing. fyi @ feyada

Do not quite understand. Submit a screenshot.


(1 edit) (+1)

With new game plus on vers 0.25 V girl's mansion/castle is gone.

That's the way it should be. You didn't complete the main quest in the "new game +"


Buggy on Android. Could barely even get in the game because the skill distribution menu is hard to work. Also i left the app for less than a minute to type a message and it completely restarted the game. Eventually crashed before i could really get into it. Absolutely destroyed my battery life too. 

The art of the game seems pretty good from what I saw. Although I didn't really find the introduction super interesting. Nothing really wrong with it, just eh. I wasn't particularly hooked. Could immediately tell that it would take a while to actually get to anything sexy. 

Probably a fine game. But if you're on android, don't expect a smooth playing experience..

What version did you play? And what is your phone model? Characteristics?

I believe I downloaded the most recent build available here. And my phone is a Moto G Stylus 2022. Not really the best phone out there by any means, but typically can handle things just fine. 

The game may experience issues on some devices. Try to play on PC, will the same problem occur?


Wow. combat is still completely unbalanced... same as in .10x

3 wolves, all points evently distributed, all items equiped.... yet it's still a huge pain in the butt to kill the weakest things in the game! :-(

Can't play the story if I can't do the combat related things!

Be patient. We are already making a combat system that will be much better than it is now.

Ok.  I"ll try again later! :-)


I payed 20$ for this game about a year ago.
Clicking download just above the comments only shows me .10

Something is obviously messed up here.


go up to the top in the grey bar and click download there, then it should let you access them all.



I'm a little confused why I have to pay another $10 when I already purchased the best version while it was on sale

go up to the top in the grey bar and click download there, then it should let you access them all.

Thank you Feyada :)

(1 edit) (+4)

when will people who payed the 5 dollars it used to be be able to play .25

Deleted 1 year ago

When will early access. It usually goes 1-2 weeks from the date of release. Next week we will release version 0.26 and you can play it.



(1 edit) (+5)

why can i not download 0.25 i bought the game but only 0.16 shows in download

go up to the top in the grey bar and click download there, then it should let you access them all.


when i go to the download page from the gray bar  it only shows the .10 and .16 v ?

You probably spent less than $10 when you bought the game. It's in early access now. The game will become available to you when the price changes and will cost $5. It will be next week.

I see that would explain it I bought it in that bundle of 3


Did you guys permanently deleted the foursome with abbot and the 3 nuns? Such a shame if you did.

What version was that from? I don't remember it

0.7 It's now available as a DLC.

they did not, it's currently another DLC , it was originally in version 0.7, you can replay it if you can get that version somehow, also the other DLC also has new scenes, just fyi.

Note to self, do not view that scene when i get the dlc. Why would anyone want to watch that old guy...

Great game ngl but I keep having the issue of it crashing constantly (Android phone btw). From what I've read, I need to use a new save and not an old one but I'm on my newest save and I'm still getting constant crashing. Any advice?

Where are you getting crashes? What version are you playing? Specifications of your device?

I'm getting crashes more frequently over time but I'm now at the stage where I'm going on dates with the brunette nun (made friends with vampire, discovered and befriended elf in tavern etc) and it is unplayable due to constantly being reset every minute. I am playing version 0.10 and I am using an Oppo A53 with 5GB of RAM 

On the forums of the Renpi engine, they wrote that there are crashes on some mobile devices. I hope that a new version of the engine will be released soon and these errors will be fixed.


Question, I am a paid supporter of your game but for some reason I'm only ever allowed to downlosd the 2nd most recent versions even though I get your emails saying I can download the newest. Right now it's just .16 for me. Are the newest releases patreon only?

Go to the very top of the screen, you should see "you purchased this game on "whatever date" and a download button below that.

That'll take you to the download page with the latest available version.

If you purchased the game for sale, there's a delayed release. Usually about 2 weeks.

Was about to ask the same question, thanks for the information.

Thank you, that should answer my question then!

Np! It comes up every release. I ended up just spending the additional $5 to not have to wait haha


The pricing of this game is confusing and has become more confusing over time. The dev should work for Oracle's licencing department. 

How do I delete every save file (pc). I want to clear the gallery and the saves so that it is as if the game was just downloaded.

When will the game be released on steam? If you know or not


thank you :)

When I downloaded v25, and tried to continue from an old version, I get the "Save files from old versions of this game are not supported." How do I fix this, or do I have to start the whole game from the beginning?  Please help, and thank you. 

That's normal. Just click New Game + and skip all the quests you've already done.

Thanks, but  is there no way to just import one's last save? 

No there is no oonable way to maintain compatibility with the engine they use, youll find that with most games in the genre tbh

I've done that with other games, so is this engine just badly designed? 

part of it is just the nature of the games, there is a story tree that branches out and if it changes your old save will cause unpredicted behaviour

Deleted 46 days ago

So, I bought V 0.25 and (seemingly) installed it, however the game launches to V0.10.. any ideas on what may be going wrong? I'm using the app, if that helps.

Sometimes the app will default to the free version when installing, try to do a reinstall and see if the option to install a different version shows up. App is strange like that. I own the game but it keeps trying to install the 0.10.c version instead of the latest version probably because I bought on a sale.

go up to the top in the grey bar and click download there, then it should let you access them all.

The new scenes aren't in the gallery on the pc version. They are in the game though, just not in the gallery, is this intended?


No. This will be fixed in the next update.


ive already paid the game but after release of 0.25 ive been asked to pay again, on my download page i only got 0.16


The new version of the game is in early access (1-2 weeks).

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