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Hey, uh, I'm having a bug for the 0.8c version. In fights after every round there is an error message. I can ignore it and continue on, but it's pretty annoying. Any idea around that?


Oh sure. You downloaded the game through the itch app. Download the game through the site and install manually. The problem will be solved.

What are the full combat mechanics? Can you deal critical hits?


Yes, you can.

а когда версия 0.9 выйдет бесплатно?


Когда выйдет следующая версия.

How does quest 22 start? big stuck x)


Talk to the arms dealer.

How do I unlock the vampire's house? I met her when I was going to battle the spider but haven't seen her since and it says all my quests are completed

You have completed all side quests except the main one. The vampire house opens in the main storyline.

Will there be a Halloween and Christmas update this year?

There is an update for Halloween. For Christmas it will be.

Hi! I want to know one thing. Will all the versions be free to play? cause i'd really enjoy the 0.8c version, so i wanna know if i should wait for the others versions to be free to play or just delete the game.


It will never be free


I'm not sure, but I think that yes, all versions will someday become free.

I'm sure that'll take 2-3 years atleast

I think yes. And maybe more.

If i pay the 5 USD to get the 0.10c the next update it's also included or would i have to pay for that one too?


If you pay 5$ - you will receive all files in the future, which will cost 5$. The next version of the game will immediately go into early access. It will be available in Early Access for $10 for players for 1-2 weeks. After that, it will cost $5. If you want to get the game at the time of release (early access) - then pay $10. If you are willing to wait 1-2 weeks after the release, then pay $5. I hope I explained clearly :)


explained clearly as glass, also paid the 5$ to support the game 

Thanks :3

Why does my game look like this? Does anyone know?

Good afternoon. This problem occurs mainly for users who:

1. Downloaded the game from pirate sites. Solution: Download the game from official sources.

2. Downloaded and installed the game through application. Solution: Download the game through the site. The application installs our game somehow incorrectly.

3. If the drivers on the PC are not installed / outdated / installed incorrectly. Solution: Install the latest drivers on your PC.

4. If you have done anything with the game files. Solution: Never replace an old version with a new one. Just delete the old game folder and download the new one.

5. Antivirus. Check if it has deleted any files.

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I can't seem to be able to trigger the quest to unlock the scene with the arms dealer. Any hints or advice?

Gallows - Board of tasks.

The game seems fantastic and with a lot of depth to be what it is, erotic games are always expected to be basic but this one is the opposite. Hopefully in the future it will be available in more languages so that it reaches more people, such as Spanish.

Thank you! We want the game to be translated into most of the languages.

Can anyone tell me how to start quest 13 Rath of nature !?


Gallows - Board of tasks.

Лучшая игра в которую я играл всё просто на высшем уровне как только она выйдет в Steam я её тут же куплю! 👍👍👍



I just saw a certain scene involving some really heavy shit in this game.

Legit shook me up, I just wanted anime tiddies :(


The world is cruel my friend. Especially a fantasy world where monsters live.


Me too bro me too... (I really wanted to bang the elf's mother) :(

Are some of the sentences supposed to glitch out? If not how do I fix it?

No. Nothing should be buggy. Make a video, send it to us, we will try to help you. You can upload some excerpt to YouTube without 18+ content.

Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you :3

The next version will be available in November-December. says the game is up to date, but when I try to open the game or check the location the game is located in on my computer, I only see .7b and .8c. Is there anything I need/ should do to fix it. Love the game.

Latest version 0.10c. We have updated the description and added a link to the DLC. That's probably why itch says the game has been updated.


I see my mistake now, I thought .10c was available for free. I apologize for the misunderstanding.

Follow the news!

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There are no scenes with the Vampire Girl yet right? (Except for the card)

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There is not.

when can i purchase it on steam ?

in 2023


okay, thanks ! will be waiting for it

just curious, how many episodes are you planning for this?

Minimum 3, maximum 5.

So I assume there are 2+ dlc that will run at some point? Assuming so because of the snowman image posted up.

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Yes. Before the new year, we plan to launch the 2nd DLC.

Having trouble. First play through was great. Got through all quest with no issues. After downloading 10c it says it can't install be cause a conflict with previous version? I'm on Android. I dont want to delete the previous saved version and start over. Is there a resolve?

Remove the old version and install the new one. Then select "New Game +" and skip all the quests you've completed. Enjoy new content.

how does one get their hands on the main menu soundtrack because dang what a banger its so awesome



sweet thank you so much love the music 


Will it work for 2gb ram Android?

Of course!

It's constantly crashing on sex scenes and animations. Also do your choices determine whether future quests will unlock or not? I couldn't find how to start new quests at one point new quests.

Does this need a specific Android OS? I've downloaded and installed, but keeps failing. And I don't Know what app you speak of, the only thing I've seen is an icho stats. 

What exactly doesn't work for you?

Not sure, I go to downloads, click install, I get a blank screen for about 10 seconds, then back to the install screen saying "App Not Install".

You need to uninstall the old version of the game.

 I was able to download it and have a "App" but crashes now. I've reinstall  and restarted even deleted and installed.

Try downloading the new version 0.10c.

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1.How do you start the "The world of Trading" Quest? I tried everything I could think of.

2. I seem to be unable to catch the fish for the "the forest Lake" Quest. Can I even catch it befor completing the previous quest or is it just bad luck? (I caught 40+ fish and its a 10% chance)

1. After several quests with Mirina, he will open with her.

2. You need to catch this fish after completing the previous fishing quest.

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I used new game+ so I think all previous quest would already be done. Or how do I start the Quests with Mirina? (I'm playing 0.8c incase that changes something)

sorry to bother you and thanks for answering.  Your game is one of the best I have ever played and the art is gorgeous!

To start the quest with Mirina, you need to talk to Mirina.

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So, I'm playing 0.8c on a samsung android tablet (galaxy tab A, model sm-t350). I think I've been dating the brunette nun for about a fortnight, and all I'm getting is kisses, similarly the elf is only giving head. Given that I'm having to save every scene because the game crashes at the faintest hint of action or intimacy, I'm guessing there is a bug preventing the relationships from advancing. Or have I missed something?

Did you install the game through the itch app? know...go back into the game five minutes after posting about it and woohoo brunette nun...

No, didn't know about the itch app. Does it help?


No. Try version 0.10. It has a new version of the engine installed, so it supports more android devices






Halloween do When did the Queen of the Dead come 18+?/хэллоуиновый когда появится королева 18+?


Event coming soon!

What activity? How much to prepare, hope more! I look forward to and support you!

You will know everything soon. Follow the news.

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How do I get the scenes with the blonde nun

Halloween Event - Coming soon.

Having problems opening the map, and I'm only at the beginning of the game. Playing 10.b on Android.

Download the game. Do not load auto-save.

I also cannot open the map and I started an entirely new game.  10.b on PC

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Fixed in version 0.10c

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Fixed in version 0.10c

How does this quest Quest 21: The Herbalist's Secrets


  I should prepare myself for the offensive against the basilisk. To do this, I need to:

  Catch an Iskandria

  + Polish my sword at the blacksmith's

You need to catch fish in the pond

do I need a better fishing rod? if so where do I get one?

Can you make the game clear its ram usage. When playing the android version, the game works fine but after a while of going to every map and doing a lot of quest, the game start getting laggy and finally crashed.


What device are you playing on? Year, make, model, full specifications. Game version?

Realme 3 pro, 4gb Ram, 64gb Rom.

what do you do for the world of trading mission?

I didn't quite understand your question

how to complete it?

It's all in the quest log.

Halloween do When did the Queen of the Dead come 18+?/хэллоуиновый когда появится королева 18+?

Follow the news. We will announce everything.

are 0.7b and 0.8c incompatible with eachother?

I already have 0.7b installed but when I go to update it to 0.8c it just wants to install it as a new file. I even checked it just incase it would keep the information between the two but unfortunately nope.

Yes. While the game is in development, the versions are not compatible. If you have passed 0.7 - then just skip the quests in 0.8 through the New Game +

ahhh alright, no way to get added gold then I assume? I only ask because I already have the current maxed out armor and a fair bit of gold plus items from grinding before, including rings from fishing which took forever to get XD

is there actually no waquest even just copy game data from one to the other? 

The game is in development, so old saves won't work. I will offer you 2 options, they are the most optimal:

1. There is a "New Game +" mode, which makes it easier for players to skip the quests they played before and collect all rewards (including experience points) in 1 click.

2. There are cheat codes for gold, opening a gallery, a good sword, etc.

having lots of fun taking turns reading the character lines with my friend over voice chat while we play, great story and the characters are delicious 

Thank you! <3

how do i level up my charisma cant get past elf part? oop

Buy a potion from the Witch to reset your action points.

She only has health regen potions in stoc

You are playing an old version.


Hi! Are we going to get a Halloween update this year?


Hi! YES!)

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