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Is there a possibility for any kind of voice acting in the game? I feel like it could really help breathe life into the characters. 

There are such plans, but they may not come true for many reasons.

Are the special events available in the new version??


No, these are seasonal events. Soon they will be available and most likely as an add-on.

(3 edits)

Amazing game ever. 5 star for the storyline, girls and gameplay and it makes me want to play more. I feel excited for the next update.

the only thing that bothers me is when i play for too long the game glitches and it suddenly force to close and the 18+ scene's for the elf and brunette girl it does save in the gallery plus the scene where the brunette girl and the mc dated at the top of the church where i completed all the choices and save it and i tried to load it again it forces me to chose the 1st choice and when tried it in the other choices it says insufficient relationship.

Im playing 0.9c android version

Thanks for your feedback. You are talking about failures, please share this information with us:

1. Are you playing on PC or Phone?

2. How much RAM does your device have?

3. Did you download the game manually through the site, or did you download it through the ICH application?

4. Describe the crashes in the game in as much detail as possible.

This information will help us find the problem as quickly as possible and fix it. Thank you!

Can you update the Chinese version?

Yes. When we release the game, we will make sure to translate it into Chinese.

Hello, when will the Chinese version come out?




你这肉烤得熟我肯定要啊( ̄へ ̄)



Is it possible to transfer the save data from one version to the other? I just recently bought the 0.9  version after having finished the 0.6, and i had to restart again

No. Saves cannot be transferred from version to version. Therefore, we have made everything much easier. Check out the version you have. Then download the new version and skip those quests that you have already completed in the New Game+ section. You will receive new content.

Understood! Thank you :)

not really much easier, there are still quests that cant be skipped for some reason


Bruh I just got to the elfs mother part and dam I just have one wish just one wish please just please add an option to save her but you need an item for it pls it would be great if you could save her and make her fall in love with you or make her witness how happy his daughter is like bruh was it really necessary to kill her

(1 edit)

We want to add tragedy to the game, and it will be with many characters. But here the process is linear. She will die anyway, to anger the hunter even more, and to make him hate the elf of the sorcerer who attacked the elf's mother as much as possible.

I see thanks for the info now I understand

(2 edits)


Downloaded the newest update 0.9c, but I can't install it. I already try re-downloading it again and still can't install it on my android. It just say "app not installed".

Uninstall the previous version of the game.

This actually a awsome game to play, live the animation, the story etc.

I have a question is that how do I unlock the "Quality Control" scene? This the only scene I haven't unlock in the gallery.Playing with 0.7b version.Thanks for the help. :)

Thank you!

You should have been spying on the merchant after ordering a falas from her in her tent during the day.


Few questions

If you buy the highest tier version does that give you early access to future updates for free going forward?

Can you have a harem or will romancing multiple women have a major negative impact?

Can you impregnate any of the women in the story?


1. If you paid $10 then you will get early access to the new version of the game as soon as it is released. If you spent $5 - then you will receive the latest version of the game 1-2 weeks after the release.

2. So far, this has not happened, but in the future we can introduce this. Everything depends on many factors.

3. At the expense of fertilization - perhaps.

Cool thanks for answering my questions.


If I buy the game as part of the bundle special going on right now will it count as the $10 access version or the $5 version?

On this topic, it is better to talk with the support of itch.

How do you transfer save files from version to version on mac?

This cannot be done. That's why we made the New Game+ quests skip mode.

Does the 10 dollar purchase come with the steam game when it comes out?

No. Buying a game on itch - you will get it only on itch.

yo, for starters this game is fuckin well done, it’s got both great art and good gameplay, which is stellar for this genre

one question i have is how to view the Peeping Tom scene? it’s the only scene in the gallery I have yet to view, and I’ve got no clue how to activate it. I’ve tried new game + after quest #2 (and quest #5 since idk if they’re mislabeled) but nothing seems to work. playing on version 0.7b if that helps, thanks for any help :D

You need to spy on the brunette in her cell in the evening. One day you will be lucky.

Sorry, but I just can't get the scene no matter how many times  I try, ive tried at least 30 times

(1 edit)

So you're out of luck so far. You have to go in the evening. If it doesn't work out, go to sleep until the next Evening and go to the nun again. Those. you should try on different days, but in the evening. In the latest update, we have increased the chance of this sex scene falling out.

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi i intend to buy the game in the end of the month 

so i want to know whether $5 is better or $10 in the longue term 

And when will the first episode be released 

And don't push yourself to release it faster 

A master piece takes time 

Thank you 😁

Sorry for English me not good 🙃


Good afternoon. If you want to receive the game on the day of release (early access) - then pay $10. If you are willing to endure 1-2 weeks - then you can pay $5. We plan to complete Episode 1 by the end of the year, but if we need a little more time, we will move the game to Q1-2 of 2023. We are not in a hurry, because we are trying to do everything qualitatively and we are working hard on the mistakes that we made in previous versions.

So were do I buy it on itch or steam 

i have android only

Itch because steam is for pc

Is it that I'm downloading the wrong item, or does v0.9c only contain the 32-bit version of the game?


There is no difference between 64 bit and 32 bit games. I checked. You can play easy ;)



Can I save the elf 's mother ?





You monster

But we will be able to in the future yes

Bought the game yesterday and played it through in one go, and I have to say you really did a great job. The Story was really interesting, the art was nice, the combat System was also really good and I had a lot of fun playing through it. Can't wait for the full game to come out because I want to see the story unfold

(1 edit)

Thank you <3

Hi, I cannot find the spider silk. Playing version 09c. There's no cave at the village. Where should I head myself to find it? Thanks 

Play further in the story and a cave will open up.

Hey, so I saw some pics on your itch page, like the winter one and the one with arachnid (blushing) and hunter and also the one where some wolves were eating someone? I don't think I've encountered any of them yet, why? And how to get em? Or are they some limited time event? 

These are events that have already passed. They will reappear soon.

I see, I hope they reappear then, or maybe I'll wait a few months for updates to pile up before playing, as always keep up the great work

Well there be a complete version if so when do u think irl be released ? if not how do i keep save file between updates?

Saves won't work for now. Complete all quests and play New Game+ in new versions, skipping those quests you have already completed. I would like to release the first episode before the end of the year.

The cheats don't work.

(2 edits)

Do not confuse the bottle in the game menu with the bottle in the game. They are for different purposes. Cheat codes are enabled in the settings.

Question, is buying 0.9 a guarantee for the full release or is it more of a patreon-like thing where you get the newest version?

(1 edit) (+4)

Itch does not work on the principle of Patreon and even Steam. If the price of the game rises (for example, the price was $5, and then changes to $10) - then according to some laws itch - those who bought the game for $5 - will not be able to get files for $10. We do not set these rules, these are the rules, etc.

On release, the game will most likely cost $10. If you buy the game for $10 now (namely, pay $10, not $5, but exactly $10) - then on release you will get the game on itch without any problems.

Hey, thanks for spelling it out!

Will the 0.8c version be free in the future. If yes, when will it be.

(1 edit)

Yes! When will version 0.10 be released.

Damn imma just wait for the last update to play 0.10

thank you so much for playing! one of the few games that I want to see in the sequel. I want to clarify, are there seasonal events in the game or is everything going at the uniform pace?

Thank you!

There are events. New Year and Halloween. But they are already gone. We will be returning them soon.

Hello Feyada, I just want to say this is the best adult game I've played on Android. The artstyle is one of the best thing in this game, also the design for the main heroine is so good. I'll definitely buy this game once I finish my school. I wish you success in further developing this game!

Thank you!

(1 edit) (+2)

Not gonna lie, Id often overlook this game cause it just never caught my eye as something I'd like. I was fuckin wrong. Very wrong. This game is excellent. Youve done a seriously incredible job and I cannot wait to see what comes next. I don't think I could properly praise you enough. 100 out of 10 easily very very nice :)

Thanks a lot! Damn nice <3


Greetings. Just wanted to give some feedback :)

Your game is really mesmerizing, I like the way one have to work and go on adventure to reach the sweet goals. Your artstyle is most the time breathtakingly beautiful, and just some very few times it could use to be put on a little final touch. I like your music in general. one battle song intro could use a bit less synthesizer sounds - but in general nice work.
I like the way the story unfolds, at some points there is too much text for obvious things, or impressions that a single well drawn picture would describe way better.

Bug report: I just found one, but it's the same like in version 0.5 - the battle music sometimes doesn't disappear after a fight, and will stay the whole time, until I stand before the grotto/cave.

The way you animated the sex scene, when Loura(?) (brunette nun) 
is asleep is absolutely TOP NOTCH!!! In my opinion, that's the best one of all. the other artstyles of animation were good to, no doubt. but this certain one - absolutely perfect.

That's all just my opinion, but maybe you'll find some truth in my words adventurer! Keep up the good work. I'm so very looking forward to the final release.

Thank you very much for your feedback!

What do you get from getting all 3 gems from the announcment board near the hangman? don't wanna farm that much just to discover what you get.

So far, nothing. This mechanic is needed for future quests.

Oh okay thx for answer good thing i didn't bothered with getting all 3 esp since i played on free version.

is there a discord, where i can ask questions???? or is there some sort of walkthrough

Yes. Links are in the description at the top.

@FEYADA, could you please reply to the support ticket that the Itch staff has added you to? 

Thank you in advance!


Is there a way to be in V0.9 and can visit the Christmas and Halloween event? Or do I have to download the version again?

The events have passed. Therefore, there is no such way.

Wait, so that means I can't revisit the scenes even if I re-downloaded the version? If I remember the Christmas was around 0.7 or something

Christmas has already passed, and in the future it will be a separate additional content.

Deleted post

Do you mean the first episode? Right now we are working on 0.10, then most likely there will be 0.11 and 0.12 versions, and then there will most likely be version 1.0. I may be wrong in my assumptions, but we try very hard to make the 1st episode intense.

Deleted post

Too early to end the game for 1.0. After all, we have not revealed many characters.

Deleted post

Hopefully by the end of 2022.

I've noticed some bugs here are a list:

1)when giving the tavern keep wine a second time it continously says the prices are free which they arent

2)if you decline the elemental essence from the blonde nun, when you go back to pay it actually is free

3)in the 'adult animations' with the elf, her collar and chain is missing

4)isn't a bug but can you add some indicator of how to unlock quests by hovering over them.

I hope this information helps :)

Thank you! We'll keep thinking!

Getting permissions errors trying to run the shell script on Linux v0.9c.

Looks like something is wrong with the lib/py2-linux-x86_64/KnightlyPassions file.  Fixed it with chmod FYI

Did you install via itch app?

No, this was a direct download and local installation

I got a thing.

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.

While running game code:

error: Out of memory

-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------

Full traceback:

  File "game/script.rpyc", line 272, in script call

    �m�vI��f�G$;��b}��ZB��hַm�W����d�@ }��{��(�7]��[����mP�cP�k���뻊�}�GĺS��k�~

When did the error pop up? At what point? You sent a small excerpt, I would like to see the entire list of errors.

Everytime I try and play the game it has an error when using the application. Is there a workaround for this, even trying to run it in admin my antivirus attacks it right away

Did you install the game through the itch app? If yes, then delete the game. Download the game AGAIN from the site manually, and install. There will be no problems.

(1 edit)

So the save files from 0.6b don't work on 0.7b? I actually wanted to just update the game itself with the newer version but it won't let me even though i've got enough space so i deleted the app, backed up the save files and installed the latest one but i just found put that save files from older versions don't work. Do i really have to start all over again? Even if i skip quests i've already done, the scenes won't unlock so 🤷

In the new version of the game, if you skip quests, scenes will unlock.

I wonder what a cheat code is

Enabled in settings


How dare you make me so interested and invested to characters in an unfinished porn game that i forgot it was a porn game and i was geniuenly surprised when porn came up
Honestly tho this is either a true work of passion or a very very very well set up money scheme
Either way pretty amazing


Thanks <3



(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Also, there is malware in this download of the stolen version.


Already removed.

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