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The option to enable cheats is missing, the purple vial just enables xray on the menu


Review: Lewd game that's the definition of "Porn made for the Male Gaze." No other way to describe it. Illustrations are very, very well done but once you notice that you can't not think about it. Main character is not quite a sexist prick but not exactly super empathetic either. If neither of those bother you, would recommend. 

Gameplay is both kinda mid/boring and extremely varied. There are puzzle, platform, action, combat, etc sequences so although many of the minigames may be moderately boring, the game is never *monotonous*.

There's a questlog, RPG system, and the smut scenes are saved in a gallery - all of which are very nice quality of life so I do appreciate it is far more polished than most NSFW games.

Overall, 2/5 rating. If the trailer/pictures turn you on, however, you'll very likely enjoy it because the art quality is consistently very good

Hi, I have a problem, my auto save has been deleted, can you help me plsssssss!!! 

Hi, the game is great but there are some shortcomings. I played on Android and my 7-hour progress was deleted from auto save and the desire to play disappeared completely, please help me!!!😥😓

i have 2 problems. first of all, i can't find where i can get the "unexpected reward scene" and second  the scenes with the elf don't get unlocked even though i do them. i want to do all the achivement on steam but i'm stucked with "loving!" for this reaso

Love the artstyle! Is there any futa content in this?

No, that particular fetish does not make an appearance in this game.

Ok, thanks.

Im having difficulty to find the name of the artist of this game, someone knows?

Is this game dead?

when was the last update

This game is technically complete. See the changelog in this update post if you wish to confirm for yourself.

Is it British English? I am get used to the American English which is used more often in  school and I found it  little difficult for me to understand the dialogue well  in the game.I'm not a native speaker.

I've run into an issue where I pick up two quests involving the witch, one about not being able to sleep well and the second about a hydra, yet when I go to the witch's hut I keep getting told I have more important stuff to do. 

Is this potentially a bug?

Edit: I realized what happened, there was a specific quest I had to follow through to continue anything, took me an embarassingly long time to figure it out lol


i love ur game guys this art style looks amazing imo and the storyline seems way more entertaining than most adult games out there and also i feel the poetic writing is beautifully crafted 👍👍

(2 edits)

I really loved that game, for the first time in  H games there's actually a gameplay, usually in h games I just click without caring cause the story is bad, but in this game, I didn't skip anything, all of it was interesting and really captivating, wether it is the main story or the "side" quests, they're all fun, some side quests don't require much to do, while some need you to complete fun mini games.

I can really feel the rpg style of the game, the turn based combat, the monster farming for crafting, the side quests requiring you to kill unique and dangerous monsters, at some point I even forget that it's a H game, in this game, the H part doesn't feel like it represents the whole game but instead a minor part compared to the story (which I think is good, because instead of having constant H scenes, you  get interesting characters with which you need to complete side quests to earn your scene, there are 34 scenes and I feel like it's good, even with 34 you don't feel like everything is H)

This game is probably one of the best H games out there, since the story is so captivating, unique and the gameplay is awesome. Hope to see more 

Any femboys?



can someone translate this please


Entered the Wrong Door (Opens in Tavern)

That's about what it means.


(1 edit) (+3)

I love this game and I am about 75-80% done and I may never finish this game.  As a disabled person with arthritis, I love that most of the minigames can be skipped.  Some of us just can't do rapid button presses without a lot of pain.  That is a big part of why I picked a turn based game (well not just that ;), but I can't catch fish with any consistency and can't win at arm wrestling, and neither can be skipped... unlike almost everything else.

I wish there were some setting for people like me, or some way to skip these things, or some alternate mode or quest... or something.  I don't want to walk away, but it is too painful to continue.

And it is annoying because these things feel so out of place to the primary mechanics of this game.  

my mouse has an auto clicker button, that way I can just hold the button and it keeps clicking! you can find one at most game or tech shops if you're interested, makes playing games like these a lot easier

Thank you very much for that.  I have a macro pad, and could easily do that.  It would only help with he arm wrestling though.  The fishing game is a very different story.

I was really trying to provide a critique to the developers, who spent all this time and effort developing a turn based game, putting effort into making most of the puzzles skippable, and then made the out of character decision to make these two mini games inaccessible to many, for what seems to be an in joke about the ubiquity of fishing games.

As creative people we can get too attached to our ideas, and jokes, and lose sight of what we were trying to do.  Sometimes you have to kill your darlings if they don't actually fit what you are trying to do, and I would argue the fishing game is one of those.

All that being said, I don't want to sound ungrateful.  I really appreciate you making the suggestion and will look into it for the arm wrestling

Quick question I'm trying to craft better armor and weapons but I'm stumped as to where to find the runes, and if they are enemy drops which enemies carry which runes.

Personally I didn't craft any cause by doing "side" quests you can get all armor pieces of I don't remember the name but anyways they're ,I think, the strongest pieces of armor in the game.


I hope there is a sequel planned because I really enjoyed playing the game

I can't kill the carnivores plant that spawn with the treant, all card work execpt the attack one

I don't know if this solution will work for you, but it did for me. Instead of continuing to use your current attacks, change to the other combat option, either sword to bow, or bow to sword depending on which you are currently using. The carnivorous plants are able to be targeted once I change weapons.

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