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Eu travei na Quest 22 onde a comerciante fala pra gente conversar na casa dela, mas a casa está bloqueada, o que eu tenho que fazer?

Baixe a nova versão, esse problema está resolvido.


Is there any Chinese translation?

Not yet. But we are planning in the future.

hey, I'm stuck in the principal quest when you have to get the signatures. I don't know to help the blonde nun, and there's no dialogue that gives me hint (or I'm super dumb), and the redhead nun is nowhere to be seen, same with the dialogue

what do I do?

You need to go further quests. Try talking to everyone in the monastery during the day. Also go to the monastery in the evening or at night. And one more thing - did you look at the task board near the executioner?

Deleted post

The arms dealer has disappeared during Quest 34:Teror from the deep. Unable to find her anywhere to finish the quest. Home is locked, no quest triggers for any NPCs

Nevermind. Clever devs. Clever. :)

This is a plot twist. Just play further along the story.

My game keeps crashing at the title scree

Launch it manually. Don't use the itch launcher.

this is the best eroge at the market hands down

Thank you <3

(2 edits)

did i not get the update? did i not download the update properly? i  did new game + (which sucks because i have none of my old equipment). so if i update i just skip the quests and restart with lower stats and insufficient equipment?

also, dont have equipment acquired only from previous questline (rings, broach, necklace etc.) Its pretty annoying

wow more to add, imagine that. THE DLC'S ARE NOT INTERGRATED IN TO THE MAIN GAME. I just died to get a damn christmas tree. The DLC shouldnt be its own launch, it should be an updated install of the main game

1. By skipping quests in a new game + you receive all the rewards for the missed quests.

2. No. Many developers make it so that DLC is an independent product.


For those that don't yet know, even if you have paid for the game, clicking the download button on this page only gives access to the 0.10 version. You have to go to your games collection page and download from there to be able to get the newest version.


I have added this item at the bottom of the game description. Thank you <3

If I buy the latest version, will I have to pay for future versions?

If you pay the full price, all updates are free the day they launch. If you buy while it's on sale, you have to wait for the price to drop to whatever the price you paid was.

Example: I paid $5 for it while it was on sale, and with this current update, I had to wait for the price to drop to $5, which happened 3 days ago, so roughly a 2 week wait.

So... basically if it was on sale n it updates, then i have to pay fullprice again?

No, if you buy it while its on sale, then as soon as the full price drops to what you paid during the sale, then you can download the new version for free. Take the most recent update for example. It was $10 until three days ago, when the price dropped to $5. Since I purchased it for $5 months ago, I had to either wait until the price dropped, or pay the full price. Feyada is usually pretty reasonably quick about lowering the price to allow those who purchased on sale to get the new version, for this particular update, it was only 13 days.

What will it aproximatly cost on official release on steam?

Steam is picky about the cost difference between platforms, so most likely it will be $10 there as well. Another game I play went from here to steam as well, and the dev talked about pricing differences across platforms being frowned upon by steam.


When will we get a new version for those who play the free one? (If we even will)

There will be no more new FREE versions.


I'm stuck on Quest 16. Its telling me to see how things are going wither Mirina's herb trade. Where do I go?


Go to the Field during Noon

Is stone jungle meant to be unbeatable? I've lowered the golem down to less than 100 health, then it just heals. I've used ten health potions, but that wasn't enough. How do I beat it?

You need to upgrade the hunter's skills and buy more powerful weapons.

If i buy the game on now, do i need to rebuy it to get the full version once it releases on steam?

Itch and Steam are 2 different platforms. If you buy the game here, you will only get it here.


Latest version for $5!


Curious, but I bought the game during the 0.56 release and was excited to see a 0.65 release but it is asking for me to pay $10 more for an update?

The 10$ supporters get the update a few days earlier. You should be able to get the update now, with no extra cost

Deleted 1 year ago

Uh hey before I download. I got a question. Is this a demo or trial? Do I need to pay for the full game? Or is it completely free?

Yes and no , so basically you can download the version 0.10 that has arround 12 missions so arround 2 hours of gameplay , if you play it slowly i think you can get to 3 hours and then you need to buy the game , So ,the version 0.10 is more or less the demo and after you can buy the game and play it full , the game is an ongoing work and has very active and nice author working on it  and if I didn't answered your question he might have done it instead.  The game is worth all the money being and one time purchase and possibly have a lot more content,  idk for sure cuz I stopped playing for some time cuz some friend lost my F account with the game to some scamer and I have to buy it now but is still worth it and I  am going to do so when I get some money xD.  

Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

An empty folder cannot be around 800 megabytes in size.

Solved it, thanks

If i download a new version will my saves from the old version stay or will i have to start the game again?


Unfortunately every major version required starting from start again. I guess it's risky to maintain the saves of previous versions as it would likely break the game due to game structure changes.


Saves break in new versions of the game. But this can be solved by the “New Game+” mode, in which you can skip all quests, skip those that you have completed.

thank you

Здравствуйте, у меня проблема с игрой она вылетает при воспроизведении сцен, что мне делать и как решить проблему?

Перечислю проблемы, в чем может быть причина:

1. Если у вас более ранние версии - скачайте последнюю версию игры с официальных источников. Багов стало меньше благодаря доработкам не только внутри самой игры, но и внутри движка.

2. Live2D (18+ сцены) - немного требователен к устройству. Поэтому игра требует памяти больше, чем обычная новелла.

3. Нами были замечены проблемы с игрой на некоторых мобильных устройствах фирмы Xiaomi, на других в основном работает стабильно.

4. Если вы качали игру с пиратских сайтов - скачайте игру с официального источника. 

.56 version for pc seems to be broken :(


I checked, everything is fine with her. Do not mislead people.

In the end, the problem was when extracting the files; when using Winzip, it got solved.

I'm stuck. I have solved all quests that in my quest list except for gathering the signatures. I gathered all signatures except for the blonde nun, innkeeper and weapons trader, they won't give me their signature. I also still have not triggered quest 22, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34 but can't find any way to progress.


First check the notice board near the executioner. I think this will help :)

Ok, I don't know how I managed to get this far without ever noticing the notice board. Thanks.

So, question, and sorry if this has been asked before, but I gotta know: seeing as I purchased this game here, will I get a Steam Key when it releases? I'm curious because downloading games from itch can be... hit or miss sometimes, and I'd much prefer Steam's more streamlined platform.

Most likely not, we will not be giving away keys to those who own the game here. Although, if there are competitions, then why not?)

Will you release the game on Gog too?


Are NSFW games allowed there?

Yes. I recently purchased Lust Epidemic and Evenicle

Why I can't get nun and tavern keeper signiture???

Help post


You haven't completed all the quests.


I loaded up the game on version 0.55 from a while ago and just cannot catch the Iskandria fish for the Basilisk mission. I have tried hundreds of times and the fish doesnt come up. What can I do? Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.

Have you tried fishing on the lake? On the pier near the fisherman's house? These are 2 different places where different fish are found)

I've been having the same issue. I've been fishing for over an hour and it just doesn't seem to exist. I just want to progress the quest and the game, not play a minigame for hours on end.


прошёл игру в новейшей версии и мне безумно понравилась, но нашел две ошибки, первая это то что при торговле с кем угодно ты можешь несколько раз продать один и тот же предмет, допустим у тебя 13 предметов, ты продаешь 12 и можешь с последним предметом этого же типа продать ещё 13, то есть 13 предметов продается по цене 25, не баловался этим, но если исправите будет круто. вторая ошибка заключается в том что если забить на миссию в которой сынишка крестьянки потерялся, то дальше в сюжетных разговорах сынишка стоит рядом как будто ничего не было. надеюсь нормально объяснил и как то что ли помог игре, спасибо вам огромное за всю проделанную работу и удачи в разработке обновлений и последующих игр

(1 edit)

Спасибо огромное! Прям не баг, а фича) Даже не знаю, много ли людей им пользуются, и стоит ли теперь его убирать :D

can't open the game with mac (10.14) - any advice? :)

There is a problem with your device. I have an M1 - everything starts without problems.

Hey  you hurt my device's feelings ;)... ok I'll check with the other :)


Feyada why do you reply in bold ?


To be more noticeable, the author of the game gave his answer.

So this actually happened on the Steam demo but I managed to soft lock myself by buying armor and running out of daylight with only 7 gold  lol  Just a heads up.

Yes) There are problems in the demo version!) We will fix them in the near future.

getting an issue where I cant find the arms dealer anywhere. slayed the golem but I cant deliver the head. she isnt at her house or the market. is this part of a quest or a bug?

(1 edit)

do werewolf questline

часть квеста, нужно обратиться то ли к Кузнецу, то ли к кому то

This is part of the plot. I don't want to spoil it - just continue the main storyline.


I only found 6 chests. SPOILER ALERT!

Under the pier, at the cave, in the field, at the picnic site, at the lake, and at the demon statue.

If there is only one chest in a location, how do you get 8? I cannot dig in the forest.


the 7th chest is at the well between 2 houses in a patch of grass. i haven't found the last chest anywhere


возможно это восьмой, он на кладбище,в правом нижнем углу


Speak english, hehehe

he said “Maybe it's the eighth, it's in the cemetery, in the lower right corner”

btw the cemetery isn't unlocked if skip all the quests with new game +  
you have to start quest 34 to unlock it


возможно это восьмой, он на кладбище, в правом нижнем углу

Да, ты прав. Спасибо. :)

Hey, is there a possibility for you to share the music you use in-game?

How to start quest 21 

and continue quest 16 "i shoul find out where mirina could put her skills to good use"

Go to the market.


I am also having issues with accessing version 0.65, I only get version 0.10c and 0.56 on my download page, and I don't think it is just a typo in the file names, because the upload date for them is 46 days ago.


Same, even though I have purchased it twice (2nd time by mistake) I still only see 0.56.


Now there is early access for those who bought the game for $10. As soon as the game becomes available for $5, you will be able to download it.

I bought the game for $10, but when I open my download page it only has 0.56 even though it does say "thank you for purchasing version 0.65." I tried contacting itch support, but they haven't answered. could you help me?

Now there is early access for those who bought the game for $10. As soon as the game becomes available for $5, you will be able to download it.


when i try to launch .65 windows defender reads it as a risk this is the only version that has done this what changed in it?


That was false positive on their system, I open my game one hour ago with same version and no false positive happened

We have updated the engine version. Probably Windows has not yet added a new version of the Ren'Py program to the exceptions.


Going to put this here for everyone that doesn’t read the update notes every patch

The game is now available in early access for everyone who bought it for $10. Early access will end in 1-2 weeks and then the game will be available for $5.


So if you bought the game on a sale you have to wait longer? That doesn't make much sense...


I bought this game a long while ago and it wont let me get the new update even tho i bought the full game

Deleted 324 days ago

You probably spent $5 instead of $10. As practice shows, this plays an important role on this site. Don't worry, early access will end soon and everyone who bought the game for $5 will be able to play it without any problems.


I paid for the full version a year ago, but it will only let me download  v0.56.


If you payed $5 then you are going to have to wait 1-2 weeks. Only those who payed $10 can get early access


I got the game on sale for $5 at 50% off. So its the $10 version. Unless they don't respect the concept of a sale, which would be complete BS.

Buying while on sale doesn't give you access to the latest version automatically, sadly. I learned this the hard way myself after buying during a 50% off sale and still having to wait for the price to drop to match my purchased "sale" price.


I paid $10 and I didn't get early access. I only see 0.56

I'd say you guys should contact itch then. I dont think Freyada has any control of itch transactions 

Now there is early access for those who bought the game for $10. As soon as the game becomes available for $5, you will be able to download it.

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