Баг: если попытаться сдать рыбаку квест по поимке Икариуса без рыбы в инвентаре, то впоследствии опция в диалоге пропадает, и квест сдать невозможно. И потом в озере постоянно ловится Икариус, не давая выполнить квест #21.
My whole elf interaction replays have been "re-locked" somewhere in the process of playing. Can't exactly tell when, but they were free before I started the "blonde nun" quest line. They don't "de-lock" either if I'm going through all animations in my house...
I've tried reloading older savegames - doesn't change the replays.
But I've noticed something different and I think that triggered it. I had downloaded the two DLCs only recently. After finishing both, all replays of the main game got locked. I'd assume the issue is somewhere related to the different game versions used for the DLCs. I'm playing on macOS, no steam, no other launchers...
I can no confirm that this behavior is related to game versions. Downloaded .45 a few moments ago. Loading an old save (all quests done) will show all replays locked. Starting a new game (with "plus", skipping all quests) will only unlock eight scenes. I'm playing on current macOS.
There seems to be some bug with the hunt screens on Mac version I just bought; I can't hunt wolf or spider (i.e. 1st options) and when I choose either it just jumps back to the choose screen.
Also, can you please try and focus on allowing saved games of previous versions to be used; I find it very frustrating having to practically start from scratch every time I purchase a new version?
I am not using ITCH LAUNCH. The game seems to have lots of bugs where you need to click some actions a few times for it to work. I have hit a real bug now on a screen where I meet a werewolf in the woods and the game keeps crashing. On the save thing, I know you can use New Game+, but you still lose loads of stuff you had gathered and there are still bits you have to repeat. Here is the error that I get when the game crashes at the werewolf part:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/BattleCard/000battle_statements.rpy", line 203, in start_battle
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 556, in start_battle
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 249, in run
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 326, in battle_loop
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 266, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 266, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 278, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 52, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 52, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 53, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 54, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 57, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 58, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 98, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 98, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 99, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 104, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 105, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 113, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 113, in <module>
File "game/BattleCard/actions/act_class.rpy", line 98, in value
I don't have a Discord account or intend to get one. The best I can do is add the full contents of the file here. If you let me know when you have taken it, I will remove the post to keep these comments readable for all.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/BattleCard/000battle_statements.rpy", line 203, in start_battle
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 556, in start_battle
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 249, in run
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 326, in battle_loop
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 266, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 266, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 278, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 52, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 52, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 53, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 54, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 57, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 58, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 98, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 98, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 99, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 104, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 105, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 113, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 113, in <module>
File "game/BattleCard/actions/act_class.rpy", line 98, in value
ValueError: non-integer arg 1 for randrange()
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
У меня бро есть он хочет её купить но для него дорого он мне жаловался что она дорогая и обновления редко а сам написать не мог вот и с моего ака в ИТЧ передал, а у меня нет претензий к игре, прошу его извинить.
Im having some issues with the game... Im currently stuck on two quests. On the main quest where you have to do something about the howling in the forest and on side quest 14 for the elf. I cant find the nun which is supposed to give me the magical essence. When I go to the church in the afternoon it tells me that none is there and in the evening and night I only have the peek option. What do I do?
Ive done everything you suggested. The only quests i have active is the main one and quest 14. During the day none is in the church except in the morning but I cant enter cuz of the ceremony. In the afternoon it says I cant acces the nun cells and should come back in the evening. In the evening I can only peek at the nuns but one of them is missing. In the night I can only acces the sneaking into brunnette cell scene. One nun is constantly missing except in the morning ceremony (redhead nun that ofdered to be a slave for 1k to excecutioned). Ive tried visiting the field in all times of day but none is there.
Played the 0.38 version. Everything was great. Hope to see more of the blonde nun, the witch and the elf in the future. Love how you made Witch's costume, she is the hottest character for sure in the game!!
I don't know if this has been brought to your notice before, but if you max out streetwise haggler and wear the gold ring of trust, you can sell items for more than you buy them for.
Also, if you drink the skill reset potion while wearing the ring, removing the ring gives you negative levels in streetwise haggle and honed reflexes.
I've lost more times than that, it told me to talk to the tavern keeper but it won't give me the option. For the line thing, hopefully I didn't accidently skip that dialog on accident
Yeah I have no dialog options with him, I just had to get a potion to respec my skills and intimidate the guard. I'm not sure if I missed some kind of triggering event to get dialog with the assistant or I did and missed what they said. I got it now though. Thanks much for the help Feyda
Hey! How much would you say the free 0.10 version is of the current version percentagewise ? Like how much more is there to do if I were to buy the 0.38?
Hello, excellent and saucy game! I recently beat all quests on 0.35 and I downloaded 0.38 to see what was new. I started with "New Game+" to skip the quests that I'd already beaten, but I'm experiencing some issues:
If I click "Skip all", then I only see 29 quests checked, but there were 31 quests listed in 0.35.
When I start a game in this way, the Gallery shows that I have only unlocked 16 of 26 scenes, with several scenes saying that they're unlocked in scenes that I just skipped, so I essentially can't access them.
Several locations that should now be unlocked are not, including the Blacksmith's house and the house that the Drunkard built for me.
As soon as I start clicking around the city, the scene where the Governor asks me to stop the "howling" plays, even though that scene should've already been skipped.
All in all, it looks like the only way to access all scenes/content in 0.38 is to restart the whole game without skipping anything, which for time's sake I would like to avoid. Any advice?
Hey, thanks for the quick reply! Where is the cheat code(s) in the game files on Windows?
Also this doesn't quite answer my question about correctly skipping quests. I only want to cheat/skip past the scenes/quests from version 0.35; I would like to "earn" the rest, but it seems like the game can't decide where I'm at.
I apologize for not responding to your post more fully. Now I will try to answer each point.
1. The "New Game +" mode skips all the quests of the previous version. New quests will not be skipped because they are NEW. This is done so that players, when playing previous versions of games, can play new content by skipping all the quests at once. 2. When you skip quests, you won't unlock all the scenes, because this is sometimes done separately from the quests. Therefore, you need to finish the entire gallery manually. 3. Right, because you released the alternate version quests. The new version includes new quests that cannot be missed yet, until the release of the next version. Therefore, go through the quests and you will meet the Blacksmith's House and your house. 4. No. There is no need to skip this scene, because we purposefully left this plot twist so that the player, having replayed it again, would remember those moments that were further along the plot. The new version has additions to the main plot, which is why we decided not to miss this moment.
Just wondering. I finished the Between Life and Death dlc. It ended with "to be continued" Are you planning to add updates to it in the future or are you going to add a new dlc to continue the story?
What they Don't tell you, is that if you buy the game on sale, you, from then on, have to wait about TWO WEEKS to download the game you paid for after every new update.
im playing the free version and complete nearly all the quest, but somehow i cant trigger the quest 13, i watch few yt play and still cant find the arms trader in tavern at night, is this like a event that only happens once or is just a bug? Anyways how to buy the newest version ?
For some reason my game always crashes instead of going into the fight with the werewolf. At the end of the dialog it just poops out. Latest version on Android. Motorolla 1 5g
Just a question. Have you thought about what other stuff you can build with all of the ingredients you gain? Like selling iron to the blacksmith, making other potions and equipment?
Have 0.38, ran into a bug with the fishing in quests 17 and 21. I have caught 6 Icarius all after I got the quest and none of them have triggered the flag for it so I can't proceed. It is now also the only fish that I can catch (I caught 5 in a row) and so I can't catch the fish necessary for quest 21 to progress that one either.
I actually figured it out. There is still the issue of the Icarius being the only fish I could catch at the Lake when the quest is active. However I caught one at the river behind the fisherman's house and it progressed. I couldn't find the fishing location previously as the area to click on was very small (maybe expand the button to include the river as well). I think the confusion came from the quest name being "The Forest Lake", which makes you think that you are supposed to catch the fish at the forest Lake, a clearer quest instruction in the journal could also help.
I asked the same question a long time ago, and at the time I was told that the free version isn't going to be updated anymore. No new information has been posted about it as far as I know.
If you can scrounge up enough change to do even the $1 purchase, you'll only be 2 updates behind.
There hasn't been 28 updates between v. 0.10 and v. 0.38. Versions 0.37 and 0.38 are only bugfixes for 0.36. Then going back from there, it was 0.26 right before 0.35.
Going by that logic, even doing the $1 purchase would only put you two updates behind people that did the $10 one.
← Return to game
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yo was doing the quest line where you need to kill a monster in the forest at night that causes howling at night for the governor and an error occured
"I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred."
ValueError: non-integer arg 1 for randrange() ,
its version 0.37
I can pass you all the log and traceback if you want (Nice game btw)
Fixed in newer version
Баг: если попытаться сдать рыбаку квест по поимке Икариуса без рыбы в инвентаре, то впоследствии опция в диалоге пропадает, и квест сдать невозможно. И потом в озере постоянно ловится Икариус, не давая выполнить квест #21.
Исправлено в 0.45, которая скоро выйдет.
which dlc do you recomend
Both are good
No cap, both are worth playing. I might go Grip of Ice first, but they're both great.
They're both incredible but if you can only get one. I recommend "Between Life and Death"
Quick Question: Pregnancy?
Hi Feyada,
I think I've found a quirk.
My whole elf interaction replays have been "re-locked" somewhere in the process of playing. Can't exactly tell when, but they were free before I started the "blonde nun" quest line. They don't "de-lock" either if I'm going through all animations in my house...
Any idea?
Hello. Let's see what's wrong with the code and try to fix it.
Thanks. Do you require input from my end?
Haven’t tried reloading an old savegame, but I suppose this isn’t helpful.
It would be great if you could indicate exactly from when it happened.
I've tried reloading older savegames - doesn't change the replays.
But I've noticed something different and I think that triggered it.
I had downloaded the two DLCs only recently. After finishing both, all replays of the main game got locked.
I'd assume the issue is somewhere related to the different game versions used for the DLCs.
I'm playing on macOS, no steam, no other launchers...
I can no confirm that this behavior is related to game versions.
Downloaded .45 a few moments ago. Loading an old save (all quests done) will show all replays locked. Starting a new game (with "plus", skipping all quests) will only unlock eight scenes.
I'm playing on current macOS.
is there any incest content in this game? Looks super cool!
No, it won't. This is against the policies of many countries and sites.
unfortunate! Great work though! Thanks for the reply.
Aye yo
when is the release date on steam?
how do i kill the wolf pack leader?
The witch has a potion
1. Upgrade your character.
2. Use the best equipment.
3. Use potions in battle that restore HP.
И ещё забыл спросить а когда след обновление
В этом месяце
I dont know how to start quest 6? I've tried talking to every character but nothing works.
Start playing the main quest.
There seems to be some bug with the hunt screens on Mac version I just bought; I can't hunt wolf or spider (i.e. 1st options) and when I choose either it just jumps back to the choose screen.
Also, can you please try and focus on allowing saved games of previous versions to be used; I find it very frustrating having to practically start from scratch every time I purchase a new version?
Do not use ITCH LAUNCH when launching the game. For some reason it breaks our game. Launch the game manually through the folder.
At the expense of saving - you do not need to always start AGAIN. You can skip quests using the "New Game +" mode.
I am not using ITCH LAUNCH. The game seems to have lots of bugs where you need to click some actions a few times for it to work. I have hit a real bug now on a screen where I meet a werewolf in the woods and the game keeps crashing. On the save thing, I know you can use New Game+, but you still lose loads of stuff you had gathered and there are still bits you have to repeat. Here is the error that I get when the game crashes at the werewolf part:
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/BattleCard/000battle_statements.rpy", line 203, in start_battle
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 556, in start_battle
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 249, in run
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 326, in battle_loop
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 266, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 266, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 278, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 52, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 52, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 53, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 54, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 57, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 58, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 98, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 98, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 99, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 104, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 105, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 113, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 113, in <module>
File "game/BattleCard/actions/act_class.rpy", line 98, in value
ValueError: non-integer arg 1 for randrange()
Send the full error code to our discord.
I don't have a Discord account or intend to get one. The best I can do is add the full contents of the file here.
If you let me know when you have taken it, I will remove the post to keep these comments readable for all.
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/BattleCard/000battle_statements.rpy", line 203, in start_battle
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 556, in start_battle
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 249, in run
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_class.rpy", line 326, in battle_loop
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 266, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 266, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 278, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 52, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 52, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 53, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 54, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 57, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 58, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 98, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 98, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 99, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 104, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 105, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 113, in execute
File "game/BattleCard/main_game/battle_screen.rpy", line 113, in <module>
File "game/BattleCard/actions/act_class.rpy", line 98, in value
ValueError: non-integer arg 1 for randrange()
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Knightly Passions 0.38
Tue Aug 22 16:57:08 2023
Probably your operating system Darwin is not supported by the game engine.
When I try to fight the werewolf at the forest, It crashes.
Any idea how to resolve this? (I'm using laptop)
Don't use old saves
Сделайте игру дешевле а то я её купил но жду каждый раз обновления а обновления выходят у вас раз в Пол года
Так если вы ее купили, зачем делать ее дешевле? Она продается по отличной цене, ниже среднего по рынку со скидкой 50%.
Ну и на счет обновлений, игра выходит 1 раз в 2-3 месяца, а не в пол года как вы написали.
У меня бро есть он хочет её купить но для него дорого он мне жаловался что она дорогая и обновления редко а сам написать не мог вот и с моего ака в ИТЧ передал, а у меня нет претензий к игре, прошу его извинить.
Im having some issues with the game... Im currently stuck on two quests. On the main quest where you have to do something about the howling in the forest and on side quest 14 for the elf. I cant find the nun which is supposed to give me the magical essence. When I go to the church in the afternoon it tells me that none is there and in the evening and night I only have the peek option. What do I do?
1. Try to complete the remaining quests.
2. Talk during the day in church with everyone you can.
3. If no one tells you where the nun is in the church, she is probably on the field during the day.
Ive done everything you suggested. The only quests i have active is the main one and quest 14. During the day none is in the church except in the morning but I cant enter cuz of the ceremony. In the afternoon it says I cant acces the nun cells and should come back in the evening. In the evening I can only peek at the nuns but one of them is missing. In the night I can only acces the sneaking into brunnette cell scene. One nun is constantly missing except in the morning ceremony (redhead nun that ofdered to be a slave for 1k to excecutioned). Ive tried visiting the field in all times of day but none is there.
Ive just found what I need to do. There nun was sitting in the church in the afternoon but I couldnt see her until I spam clicked the whole church.
My problem is that on my phone it keeps crashing after like 5 min :(. I have a Redmi Note 10 5G.
What version of the game are you playing?
0.38, tried playing the 0.10 version too, it was the same problem.
Try playing on another device. Probably a problem with the phone.
Played the 0.38 version. Everything was great. Hope to see more of the blonde nun, the witch and the elf in the future. Love how you made Witch's costume, she is the hottest character for sure in the game!!
Thank you!
hi, there seems to be an issue with paypal when i try to buy the dlc, any suggestions?
We will solve this problem soon
Does this game have ntr?
Thanks imma download it
No chances to buy DLCs with credit card, only PayPal?
You can buy here:
I don't know if this has been brought to your notice before, but if you max out streetwise haggler and wear the gold ring of trust, you can sell items for more than you buy them for.
Also, if you drink the skill reset potion while wearing the ring, removing the ring gives you negative levels in streetwise haggle and honed reflexes.
Thank you! We'll deal with it.
I cannot for the life of me figure out the line drawing thing or the stick game.
So I'm pretty stuck until I can figure those out
Lose 3 times in a row and there will be a hint.
I've lost more times than that, it told me to talk to the tavern keeper but it won't give me the option. For the line thing, hopefully I didn't accidently skip that dialog on accident
Thanks for the reply Feyda
Not with the owner of the tavern, but with his assistant.
Yeah I have no dialog options with him, I just had to get a potion to respec my skills and intimidate the guard. I'm not sure if I missed some kind of triggering event to get dialog with the assistant or I did and missed what they said. I got it now though. Thanks much for the help Feyda
It's pretty easy. Just do the opposite of what he does. Start with 2 and if he pulls 3 you pull 1 and vise versa
Thanks for the info. I got it by intimidating hi
Hey! How much would you say the free 0.10 version is of the current version percentagewise ? Like how much more is there to do if I were to buy the 0.38?
Also I loved the game a lot! :)
It's hard to say, even roughly.
Hello, excellent and saucy game! I recently beat all quests on 0.35 and I downloaded 0.38 to see what was new. I started with "New Game+" to skip the quests that I'd already beaten, but I'm experiencing some issues:
All in all, it looks like the only way to access all scenes/content in 0.38 is to restart the whole game without skipping anything, which for time's sake I would like to avoid. Any advice?
Use the cheat code to open the gallery. The cheat code is in the game files.
Hey, thanks for the quick reply! Where is the cheat code(s) in the game files on Windows?
Also this doesn't quite answer my question about correctly skipping quests. I only want to cheat/skip past the scenes/quests from version 0.35; I would like to "earn" the rest, but it seems like the game can't decide where I'm at.
I apologize for not responding to your post more fully. Now I will try to answer each point.
1. The "New Game +" mode skips all the quests of the previous version. New quests will not be skipped because they are NEW. This is done so that players, when playing previous versions of games, can play new content by skipping all the quests at once.
2. When you skip quests, you won't unlock all the scenes, because this is sometimes done separately from the quests. Therefore, you need to finish the entire gallery manually.
3. Right, because you released the alternate version quests. The new version includes new quests that cannot be missed yet, until the release of the next version. Therefore, go through the quests and you will meet the Blacksmith's House and your house.
4. No. There is no need to skip this scene, because we purposefully left this plot twist so that the player, having replayed it again, would remember those moments that were further along the plot. The new version has additions to the main plot, which is why we decided not to miss this moment.
Just wondering. I finished the Between Life and Death dlc. It ended with "to be continued" Are you planning to add updates to it in the future or are you going to add a new dlc to continue the story?
We plan to add content in the future.
why do we have to pay for every new update
Who told you this? By purchasing the game 1 time - you get the game forever.
What they Don't tell you, is that if you buy the game on sale, you, from then on, have to wait about TWO WEEKS to download the game you paid for after every new update.
For buying the game, will $5 be needed for every new release?
Hi, do I need to pay $5 for every single update, or is it a one time payment thingy?
Just finished the free one will it eventually be updated or will I have to pay to get more
Erm.. with new game + you don't have an option to get Vampire Girl back.
Just complete the main quest and the opportunity will appear.
Hello, does anyone know how to catch Ixandria fish from 17 of the quest
There are 2 fishing spots. Lake and stream near the fisherman's house.
I just bought your game and so far it is amazing, but when I came to the witches house and the animation started, this happend:
How can I solve it?
You have problems with drivers on your PC.
Do you know how to fix them?
I would really like to continue playing the game
Try updating your video card drivers.
im playing the free version and complete nearly all the quest, but somehow i cant trigger the quest 13, i watch few yt play and still cant find the arms trader in tavern at night, is this like a event that only happens once or is just a bug? Anyways how to buy the newest version ?
No, she is in her house at night
13 quest hangs on the bulletin board near the executioner.
I bought and downloaded 0.38 but my android wont install the app. Anything I'm doing wrong?
You need to uninstall the old version of the game.
For some reason my game always crashes instead of going into the fight with the werewolf. At the end of the dialog it just poops out. Latest version on Android. Motorolla 1 5g
Try on another device (for example, on a PC).
Okay. Doing that it's crashing as well, but it also gives a traceback.txt. Is there a way I can send you that, would it even help?
Just a question. Have you thought about what other stuff you can build with all of the ingredients you gain? Like selling iron to the blacksmith, making other potions and equipment?
Yes, we thought about it. The game will expand.
How do I unlock the "Improve your relationship with the nun" scene
If you have completed all the quests - talk to her during the day.
Have 0.38, ran into a bug with the fishing in quests 17 and 21. I have caught 6 Icarius all after I got the quest and none of them have triggered the flag for it so I can't proceed. It is now also the only fish that I can catch (I caught 5 in a row) and so I can't catch the fish necessary for quest 21 to progress that one either.
Understood. We'll fix it.
I actually figured it out. There is still the issue of the Icarius being the only fish I could catch at the Lake when the quest is active. However I caught one at the river behind the fisherman's house and it progressed. I couldn't find the fishing location previously as the area to click on was very small (maybe expand the button to include the river as well). I think the confusion came from the quest name being "The Forest Lake", which makes you think that you are supposed to catch the fish at the forest Lake, a clearer quest instruction in the journal could also help.
Yes, we found the problem. We'll fix it in the next major update. Thank you!
I have the free version (bc im poor) and tge game keeps randomly closing on me are you gonna make a newer version free that you have this patched on?
I asked the same question a long time ago, and at the time I was told that the free version isn't going to be updated anymore. No new information has been posted about it as far as I know.
If you can scrounge up enough change to do even the $1 purchase, you'll only be 2 updates behind.
1. Do not launch the game through itch.io launcher. The latest versions of the launcher break some games. Use manual launch from the game folder.
2. The newer the version, the more stable it is. In the latest version, I have never crashed the game for 10 hours of play.
3. Version 0.10 is the latest free version. New versions will not be free.
4. In older versions there were problems on android devices and weak PCs. In the latest version 0.38, the game is optimized as much as possible.
So us free to play players are 28 version behind the more modern build? Will we get the newer stuff in a later date?
There hasn't been 28 updates between v. 0.10 and v. 0.38. Versions 0.37 and 0.38 are only bugfixes for 0.36. Then going back from there, it was 0.26 right before 0.35.
Going by that logic, even doing the $1 purchase would only put you two updates behind people that did the $10 one.
At the moment we do not plan to release new versions for free. Version 0.10 is the latest free version.
this is probably a weird question but is there a way to reset the gallery to be empty at the start or no?
Not yet. But we will add such a function later.