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Trying to leave a serious review, but the website is doing stupid funky things with my comments box [You'll probably notice a looooong space at the end of this] So I'm forced to just say: Buy it. It's 👍 👍 👍 👍 👍 good.

And of course it cooperates this one time and makes me look crazy...

Thank you :3

I keep getting error messages every time i end a turn. It is super annoying.

The problem is not in the game, but in the fact that the itch application does not install the game correctly. If you install the game manually (by downloading the archive from the site manually and unzipping it), then this problem will not occur. We contacted support but they didn't answer. Therefore, the only solution is to install manually.

Oh awesome, thank you. The game looks quite good so i was sad that it kept bugging out.

(1 edit)

This is SO GOOD. It has a lot of potentials.
To be honest, I finished the whole game and, besides the fact that there are "only" 24 quests +DLC, I can't really find any bad points.
PLEASE, continue the work, please.  :(


ps. with future updates would my saved gameplay remain or I'll need to go throw the whole story again?


Thank you!

The game is in development, and unfortunately, all progress will be reset. But, don't worry, very soon we will be improving all quests and adding new mini-games to existing quests. Therefore, replay will not be boring.

By the way, don't forget to use the "New Game +" mode while the game is in development in order to skip the quests you've already completed.

IDK if this is a common issue but I get error screens every turn. Annoying at worst but any ideas?

The problem is not in the game, but in the fact that the itch application does not install the game correctly. If you install the game manually (by downloading the archive from the site manually and unzipping it), then this problem will not occur. We contacted support but they didn't answer. Therefore, the only solution is to install manually.

What is different in 0.16 compared to 0.15?

  • Added Chinese language support!
  • Fixed a bug in Quest 24.
  • Improved the minigame for catching the horse in the field.
  • Improved the minigame for the chase by brigands. On monitors with high refresh rates, these two minigames will no longer be accelerated.
  • Fixed many other bugs, and probably added some new ones.
  • And much more.

Do we erm... *rubs upper arm nervously* romance the sister too?


*wispers* "Yes"




I wish we could...


I like the mini games, I like the ladies, I like the story, I love the game.  Keep it up.  I know there is lots more the come, can't wait.

Thank you :3

(1 edit) (+2)

I payed for the game a while back and now I can't download anything past 0.8, I literally have 0.9(c) installed right now so I am a little confused.

Edit: I figured it out, I don't use much so i was confused for a second. If anyone else somehow has this problem the solution is to go to your actual profile and go to purchases. I am dumb



Quick question: does this game have NSFW sounds for 18+ scenes? Because im in the latest version of the game and theres no NSFW sound




Quick question about the bundle offer do we get the full versions of the other games or not. I have purchased the bundle and it only seems to be the cheaper version we get but in that case the price doesn't really add up with the advertised value of $45 with 60% off

I have also encountered this problem, and have asked the developers of one of the other games. The problems seems to be a bug here on itchio, though for some reason my bundle now allows me access to the full version of one of the games, a version that was not available to me when I first baught this bundle, so I think the support staff might be working on the problem

Were you able to download the latest version of our game?

Yes, but that still didn't add up to the promised value of the bundle. At the time of me buying the bundle, the games were prised at
Innoscent Witches 0.10.4a - 25$
Pirates: Golden Tits 0.21 - 10$
Knightly Passion 0.16 - 5$
Knightly Passion DLC - 2.5$/DLC - total 5$
To a total of 45$ which was the promised value of the bundle.

What I instead got was
Innoscent Witches 0.9.6b - 0$
Pirates: Golden Tits 0.20 - 2$
Knightly Passions 0.16 - 5$
To a total of 7$ which is less than half of the price of the bundle, meaning I lost about 10$ by buying the bundle

In the time between then and now, some prices have changed, though, with at least P:GT dropping to half price, which did for some reason give me access to the latest version, and I have talked to the developers of IW and have recieved the current latest version of that game, as well as a kind soul on your own Discord server gifting me the DLC's for your game, have ended up giving me the promised value, but the problem is still that I didn't recieve what I had presumeably paid for right away. In talking to Sad Crab Studio, it does seem that the problem is with the bundle itself in the itchio website, but they have not answered my emails yet.

Is there a way to install previous versions such as 0.6b? 


Will queen of the dead be in main ?

Arachne? If only in the new DLC.

No Ntr right?


Yes, there is no NTR in the game.


And thank god to that.

(1 edit) (+1)

How much if it's Philippine currency??

I'm just curious cus I'd like to buy the game 😅(I played the version 0.8, and it's GOOD REALLY GOOD)

Probably around 250-300

Just convert it in google. 

when is gonna be relased on steam like do u have a month in mind?

In 2023. The month is unknown.

Deleted 1 year ago

In 2023.

There is a "New Game +" mode that allows you to skip quests.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

Thank you!

Deleted 1 year ago

We are trying to figure out why this is happening.

So I am having a small issue. I am trying to download the update to from 0.10 to 0.16, but when It tries to update it says "app not installed as package conflicts with an existing package." This is on Android. I can just uninstall 01.10 and reinstall completely, but I dont want to lose my save game and I have tried everything to copy the save files using file manager and it is impossible.


Well i just found out that you can skip quest on the start game button then new game+ 


I found that out too! Made it easier to catch up

Saves will not work from older versions, because the game is under development. You need to uninstall the previous version of the game and install the new one. To skip quests, use "New Game +" mode, you will receive all the rewards for missed quests.


Are we gonna get more updates for free or will 0.8 and under be considered a demo/prologue?

We plan to make one free version, which will have about 5 quests and basic mechanics. So enjoy free version 0.8 while you can, we will remove it very soon.

(2 edits)

Um, Feyada, the game is very great, but is there any way to save the elf's mother? 

Do you know how depressing it was to arrive in the forest in the evening and being unable to meet her early (because the event only triggered at night) , and looking at the wounded elf while saying I have no health potions ( when I had 10 of those in my bag when I fought the wolves before tending to her) 

I just wanna cry, boohoo

No. The elf's mother cannot be saved.

Wahhhhh, so sad 😭

How do I use the DLC? Do i play them as separate games or as add ons, and how do i add them to the game if so?

Download - Unpack the archive - play.

Wow. Great artwork, amazing animation, intresting characters with cool quests, AND satisfying combat mechanic. Just wow!


Deleted 2 years ago
Deleted 1 year ago
(1 edit)

Say developer if i download on android and says app not installed does it mean not supported on my android? Or just lacks in storage


It usually means you lack storage

Wha? But i have free 3GB space and only the app only 700MB and still says app not installed

android do be dumb like that you need like 4x storage space to download games usually 

Hoo so its just android das dumb tnx btw:)

Uninstall the previous version of the game.

But my progress all over again from start:(

I always have to uninstall the old and then install the new update.  It does not allow me to install over an existing game.

what about the saves tho

I don't know if they work or not, but you can always copy them out and back once it has been reinstalled.  Worst it can do is create errors and you'd have to restart but you can skip any portion of the game anyway so it doesn't really matter.

Yea but its still nice if the old saves can still use on the new version of the game

Is There A Scene With The Weapon Trader



What Quest

Quest 5, Quest 22, and the Grip of ice DLC.



increase pregnancy


I was really disappointed in this. Looks great but the version that will work on Android 11 is never going to be free. I'm not paying for a game that the free version doesn't work on my device. It's really to bad since it seems great.

Our game supports most devices. We are sincerely sorry that your device does not support our game. Try playing on PC.

I don't have a PC atm. I'm just sad that the free version was made on a version of Renpy that doesn't work on newer Android devices. Will there ever be a free version made on a newer version of Renpy?

When I go to download the latest version (0.16) it only allows me to download (0.8) despite the fact that I have already paid for the full version twice, do you actually have to pay every single update? Because that's what's happening for me and its pretty annoying 

I don't understand how it works.

As you can see in the screenshots above I ha e purchased the game multiple times and I still can not download the most recent updated with out repurchasing it yet again, 

I'm not making this posts to cause any problems because I love the game but honestly this is getting pretty annoying and expensive because I shouldn't have to pay full price every update

try it now

Same issue

So i paid the 5 bucks and downloaded the premium version. But a lot of the scenes to the right are not available and are locked as "coming soon".

What's going on?

any idea what month it's gonna release on steam?

There is no exact month yet, but in 2023 definitely.

what is the difference between Knightly_passions-0.8 and Knightly_passions-0.16

0.16 is a newer version with more new content.

thanks im gonna get that then

I really love the card battling system in this game. It reminds me a lot of Slay the Spire (perhaps intentionally) and even while the game is still in development I can say I appreciate the writing and story aspect a lot. Really a lot of fun to play and I hope the combat system gets even more love in the full release because I have a ton of fun even in the random and grinding for money battles.


Thanks a lot!

congrats on Steam!

We haven't had a Steam release yet) It's a Pirates release!

When will be the major story update?

Already in the next update, which according to our data will be in March.


(1 edit) (-1)

If I already bought the current version, will you still have to pay for future updates?


Deleted 346 days ago

It's our job to fix bugs in the game!)


Hello, I downloaded this games free version and just finished all of the available quests (love the game btw).  I just had a question regarding quest 15 "The family heirloom".  While I did go through and finish the quest, some of the dialogue didn't seem to fit.  For example when after the elf sent the letter to her mother I went to the forest (before midnight from what I can tell) and the protagonists dialogue goes something along the lines of "... If only I had gone to the meeting place at the right time" or something similar.  However no matter what I do I can't get to the meeting place at a time in which I don't find the mother dead/don't get this dialogue.  I'm wondering if this is a bug, something to do with the free version, or something I did wrong in my playthrough.  Sorry if this is a bit long.

Everything is correct. The mother must die. But either you talk to her when she is dying, or you find her already dead.

Okay, thank you, glad to know I didn't miss out on anything.

(1 edit)

anyone else getting errors in battle when it the enemies turn seems to be the attack animation?  

As far as I know, only those who installed the game through the application receive errors. Try installing the game manually by downloading the archive through a browser and extracting it.

ok fam gotch ill give that a go thanks for the advice

Hi, I'm afraid that .apk release for 0.16 and In the Grip of Ice DLC thumbnail is bugged (between life and death ones appear properly instead of default RenPy ones), can you get them fixed for 0.17? Thx :)

Are you talking about the icon? Will fix it in the future) 

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