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**Early access for Version 0.10 has officially ended!**
thats mean we can now download for free or what?

You can download version 0.8 for free as soon as version 0.10 is released. "Early access for Version 0.10 has officially ended" means that the latest version of the game costs $5 instead of $10.

Not sure if I’m the only one with this issue, but when I run the game (0.9c) on Android 11 (OnePlus Nord N100), the game runs fine in the menu, but it becomes unplayable because of lag after starting a game, then it completely blocks my device and I have to restart it. Thought I’d report it

Did you install the game through the itch app?

Downloaded the APK, maybe could try from the app


It is likely that you do not have enough memory on your device.

Hi, I have a channel on YouTube Brazil dedicated to the gameplay and translation of adult games. I am interested in introducing your game to my audience. If you are interested, please contact the channel email. I look forward to your reply and a hug friend! Channel 

Lets go!

(1 edit) (+1)

hi, i keep having problems with animations, can you tell me how to completely delete all game data? because I tried but keep the saves, I would like to see if it works

Hello. How do you install the game? Through the app

I downloaded it for windows without using the app, I also tried with the app in the previous version, where I have the same problem

There is a problem with your device. Probably drivers.


So I played this game back in its early stages and am planning to purchase the game - It's a well made game up to that point so great job. I'm happy at how far this game has come.

If people decide to purchase on this platform - Will they receive a steam key?
On another note will I be able to keep updating the game after paying or is it a pay per update scenario.

Steam and Itch are 2 different platforms. By purchasing the game here - you get the game only for itch. In terms of payment, we have early access for everyone who paid $10. Those. players will receive the latest version of the game at launch. Players who spent $5 will receive the game in 1-2 weeks after early access. You don't have to spend money all the time. It is enough to decide once if you are ready to wait 1-2 weeks, or if you want to receive an update on the day the new version is released.

Thanks for the info. It's a really well made game although getting to the main part of the game was confusing. Ended up doing the quest after quest 9 and never finished 4-8. Finally remembered that I could talk to the guards in the evening after finishing 10+ quest. Some markers might have helped but clicking around to explore the game felt more immersive.

I think that we will make tips on where to get this or that quest.


Good game. Getting a little bummed at the pacing. Do we get companions/party members? If so who is the first and when?

One comment/complaint for the beginning of the game...the mission to collect the axe for the executioner...having to fork out more than 600 gold in return for the pissy little scrap of info was brutal. In fact, i spent much of the early game not spending cash on better gear or healing in case the next quest was going to cost me everything i had (and they did)...

We will fix the economy in future versions.

Is there a walkthrough? Do we get a companion at any point?


Where can i find the cheats

Here, for $1.


:) that's got to be the cutest vampire I've ever seen


Any tips for "Inquire the Slingshot"

 Mini Game?

Keep playing and losing until another character offers you a tip.

If you can't win - lose 3 times and you will be prompted.

How to unlock all the scenes

Play a game.

BRO  i just killed the Elf by mistake

Yes, you should have listened to her mother.

but her mother died in the forest got attacked by a pack of wolfs after I go back to the tavern and the Elf asked me what had happened to her mother then I told the truth about what happened to her mother she breaks down and after one day I return to the tavern she drank some sort of liquid then Died 

Just like the Author said "you should have listened to her mother"

All right. It was impossible to tell the elf in the tavern the truth. Mother asked not to tell her about her death

i love the vampire


(1 edit) (+1)

The author, I would like to ask, Is there a Chinese version of android 0.10


Is there a quicksave option and is there any full (non-video) walkthroughs of  the game? Because I'm pretty sure I screwed up and a character killed themselves and I can't undo it without replaying hours

In your case, only replaying this quest will help. You can skip quests in New Game+

(1 edit)

Fantastic! I love everything about this game, even the music is fitting. Keep up the great work!!

Thank you!!!


yay for slimy dev behaviors. charging for every revisions when the game is not finish is prime example of greed. guess i won't be getting updates or recommending the game to anyone.

(1 edit) (+4)

Its not really scummy, but really bad communication on behalf of the dev & If you paid $5 then you have wait 2 weeks to download the latest version. You don't have to pay again, but the early access period was not made at all clear on the purchase page at the time I bought it.


You're not right. We have a policy that we adhere to. There is an early access, it goes 1-2 weeks, and costs $10. If you paid $1, you will get the previous version of the game (in this case, 0.9). But if you paid $5, then you will get version 0.10 after early access. What kind of greed can we talk about if the version sooner or later becomes free?


Maybe not my place to tell you how to do things, but I would suggest adding a note about the early access. It might lessen the amount of people writing about this and in case they will, you can state to them that everything is written in the note and by not reading it, it's not the author's fault 


Oh sure.


I'll admit it's a little annoying, but eventually the update is free. What I've see na few devs on this site do is make an entirely new page for their game when they update it, which makes it so you would have to pay a second time just to get the new update, and they do it for every update.


Fortunately, we don't do that.

And I very much appreciate that. I'll just occupy myself with other games until updates are available. And honestly I like the game so far, the art is really nice and I've always been a fan on the card battle system. Can get a bit grindy at times and there's a lot of fetch quest like stuff, but it didnt bother me to much, was still enjoying myself.



I acquired the game as part of a sale event for 50% off (@ $5). And I'm receiving email that version 0.10 of the game is available in my library, but when I visit the download listing it's the previous version only. 

I'm guessing that the shelf cost and the sale cost are not resolving and so only v0.9 is being shown as a result -- rather than .10 which is what the email shows.  Does this match anyone else's experience?

Oh, and the account page also informs me that I own the latest version, but do not have access to download it (so I cannot upgrade out of the sale status either... fun!)

fyi, I contacted support at itch as well, but wanted to share in case anyone else is finding themselves blocked by this. I'll post the resolution when it's done.

It's not a mistake. It's in early access now. The game will be available to everyone who bought the game for $5 after early access. It ends October 13th.

I paid $10 and i'm unable to download the game 

Did you pay $10 in one payment? Or did you spend $5 when the game was on sale?


Contact itch support.

Do I have to pay to get the new update? will the update get lower to 1 Dollar?

It will get lowered to $5 in a little while. Early access pass and whatnot.

You recently received update 0.9. Will the 0.10 update be available for $1 - yes, when the next global version comes out.

Отличная работа! Очень увлекательно и интересно получилось!
Пожалуйста, продолжай. Не забрасывай только. Реально интересно посмотреть, чем же закончится-то всё X


Да, конечно! Мы продолжим работать над игрой в рабочем режиме.


So you said early access lasts 1-2 weeks, is that 1 week and wait until a round number of people paid the full price or do you just pick a random day to drop the price back down?

We don't pick a random day. We have a clear strategy on which day the price will be reduced.


Please give the artist or artists a big kiss from my part. Love the game so far, and I love the art even more. So far all the major characters have had beautiful designs that make them memorable.

I also personally appreciate that many of the ladies here don't have certain body parts extremely exaggerated. A woman with massive melons on her chest just doesn't do anything more me, so it's nice to see a lot of moderate/realistic sizes.

Thank you <3


So it's settled, I'm buying this game.

After a few playthroughs I can see the potential of the game, and I appreciate the dedication to art and story you've put in to this.

The player character isn't some typical Hgame protagonist and actually looks like a "Hero" hunter

You've given the NPCs love as well which helps make it feel like a true RPG with erotic elements.

There's love, there's humor, there's tragedy, and even the combat at certain stages is pretty good for a card style turn-based system, and I don't like that type of combat at all.


Thank you <3


Is Wrong. (Randomly unlocked in the evening when peeping on the brunette nun in ber 

What should I do with this?

The hint says it all.

Is there any way to replay Holiday Events?


Yes. They will be available soon. But they will be sold as additional content.


The fact that there's three empty squares in the inventory screen leads me to believe we may have adventuring companions at one point. Perhaps a sharp-witted Elven archer, a kind-hearted red headed healer, and a mysterious fourth member? (This is mostly a joke post.)


Everything can be. We are thinking about passive heroes in battles in the future.


So, I'm not sure exactly what I did or how horribly I messed up but there is a certain "incident" that happened with the elf and now I feel like the worst human possible.

(1 edit)

Don't tell her the truth. She won't survive this.


Oh I know, I just wanted to state that I feel like a bad human for lying to her.

Every other choice has been me being a gentleman or in the case of flashing the guards, just a "quick do something!" Move.

But this one broke my heart.

But now the true love interest has more content :D praise Mirina! May she forever be loved.

A sweet lie is better than the bitter truth.

...I guess.

But lying will one day cause the downfall of those who do so.

I just wish there was a way, any way to stop it, like hunting until the area is safe, setting traps for critters to ensnare the creatures.

Believe me I know the feeling. But at the end of the day nothing we could of done would of worked. The Druid sent those wolves to hunt her down (at least that's how I see it), we're protecting Elain from heartbreak as she may see it as, SHE caused her mothers death by asking for assistance and that is something she will always think in the back of her mind. I may come to light later on. But for now we can keep her hopes up and help her survive. As her mother asked us to do.

How do you start quest 13?

Gallows - bulletin board.


The new battle system is definitely too defense oriented in non-quest battles (i.e. 3x Goblin Shamans and 3x Bats). I do get that the new system was to minimize players putting all of their points on attack, but now the game strongly encourages putting all points in defense (except for 1 quest that requires 12 attack). Not only do some enemies do a lot more damage, but maximizing attack is small results.

The combat system will still be improved.

Quest 21 cacth an iskandria?????

Near the fisherman's house there is a pier.

in version 0.82 you'll find this fish in the lake not the pier.

thanks for the update spent ages fishing and not getting what i need

so... i cant use old saves on newer versions, but i cant revert this version back to the old one? wtf?? why did it not say that anywhere!

You can use the SKIP quests in NEW GAME+ mode. Rewards for missed quests will be given out.

(2 edits) (+2)

After trying out some combat, I find the balance is completely broken in .10!

Wolves, the starting enemy now have MORE power then can be blocked with a single defence card.
Each of them take around 10 hits just to kill!

If all the other monsters follow this trend, all you've done is make the combat tedious and unsatisfying!

Combat was 3 Wolves fought manually.
Skipped all quests and set all skills equally.

Equiped all 3 of the items.

Right! We haven't worked on the bolance yet, there wasn't enough time. But in future updates we will work on it significantly.

I'm glad to hear that.

I'll try it again once you've had a chance to balance the combat!


i have question... so mine old saves, i can't use it? and so need to restarted the game?

Yes! Each new version does not support old saves! This is normal because the game is in development. Complete the entire game. Then when downloading a new version - just skip completed quests in the NEW GAME + section. You will receive all rewards for missed quests.

oke, i was more worried that option was not possible. :) but thanks

Really love the game so far. Excited to see how it develops.

Just one little gripe: if Elaine tells me that his "left arm" is vulnerable, I'm obviously attacking the one on the right side of the screen. Because that's where someone's left arm is when someone is facing you. It was by mere coincidence that I discovered that the other arm is the one taking triple the damage.


Lol I killed him and had no idea I was hitting the wrong arm

(1 edit)

(EDIT: Please ignore! Didn't know about the 2 week early access period anymore. Totally forgot about that. Have a great day!!)

Hey there. I've bought this game in July of 2021 for 5$ because of a 50% discount. Why do i not have access to the newest updates anymore? Do i have to pay another 5$ to get updates?

I'm genuinely not complaining. It has happened to me before on other games. So im just asking what the situation is here looking like.

I'd gladly pay another 5$ to be able to play a newer version simply because i support your development. It's just a little silly that i had to find out this way.


Okey so I bought this game (ver 0.9) 9 days ago on 50% discount (so for 5$) 

Right now I can't download ver 0.10 since I have only paid 5$ for it and since you cannot do cumulative payments do I seriously have to buy the game again for full price if I want to download the latest version? 

Same here. It's a little weird to have to pay extra for updates. But i actually think its not the devs fault. The discount issue has been affecting me on other games too.

Yeah, I'm seeing this as well.  Can the dev elaborate?


Everything is correct! Now there is an early access to the game, which players received for $10. 1-2 weeks after this release, the game will be available for $5. You don't have to pay anything. Just wait until early access passes.

I've talked to everyone to find my sister, but all I know is that she was taken by a security guard What should I do here?


Move on. Pass quests. The quest log will help.


I'm playing the latest version and my gallery says 13 replays is the max, just wanted to check if that's true since I remember more in the past. Also is there no 18+ scene with the blonde nun? 


The scene with the blonde is available in the Halloween event, which took place a year ago. There are more scenes. Some scenes from the events are not displayed because the events have already passed.

Is there any way to get them? Are they linked to date on your PC/device? Or they are removed from current version totally?

Of course. We will announce as soon as these events start.

The newest android version (0.10a) will not install.

Everything is correct! You need to uninstall the old version before installing the new one.

(1 edit)

Alright, so I have a little problem happening in this very nice game. For some reason, I cannot continue quest 15. How is that? Well, I can find the red head when looking for her. She's not in the Monastery and no where else. If anyone could please point me an a general direction of what to do or where to go, I'll be very thankful.

Edit: Nevermind. I'm just a bloody idiot.

Ask about the nun in the monastery.

I did the exact same thing. I ended up accidentally clicking on her instead of the door. At least I think we're talking about the same thing.

She is in the field. Look for her during the day in the field. If she's not there, then you haven't talked to the nuns about her.

(1 edit)

It was when she was crying. Her head is in shadow, and the door she's sitting in front of is dark colored, so she kind of blended in.

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