Knightly Passions: Steam Release!

Dear friends,

We just released Knightly Passions on Steam! If you've been waiting a long time to purchase the game on Steam, then today's your lucky day, because it's right now it's for sale at a fabulous discounted price.

Link to the game (you must be logged into Steam for the page to display correctly):

Don't forget to leave a review! We've worked really hard to make sure you enjoy the game.

Get Knightly Passions [1.34 version] 18+

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Will people who purchased the game on itch receive a steam key, or at least a code for additional discount?


I have it and all the dlcs on itch. Does the steam version have all the dlcs build in? 


Any way to get a Steam key via or something? The game is unfortunately not available in the German Steam store.


I was told before my purchase here, a steam key available when the game made it that far